2 posts categorized "GEORGE PATAKI"

Sep 14 2015
Need To Know: Pleasure & Zayn + Killer Heat + Fall Fashions + They Underwear It Well + Clerk Doesn't Wanna Work + You Gotta Be Putin Me On + Rihanna's Taste In Men = Consistent + MORE! Comments (0)

Rs_600x600-140716141303-600.Zayn-Malik-Instagram.ms.071614It's fine, fine line between pleasure and Zayn.

*widget boy cultureZayn Malik has been sending nude pics?! Not to me ... huh. Images

*widget boy cultureIn the coming climate-change genocide, I hope we kill the deniers first.

*widget boy cultureModels fall—hard—during Givenchy runway show.

*widget boy cultureIt's an undies showdown!

*widget boy cultureRED, WHITE & SPEW: Sarah Palin's latest baffling string of nonsense words.

*widget boy cultureCreative Arts Emmys handed out to everyone who showed up.

*widget boy cultureKim Davis files for yet another delay in issuing marriage licenses.

*widget boy cultureKim's being zapped by a hometown billboard.

*widget boy cultureThere are bigger things to worry about than Kim Davis.

*widget boy cultureKris Jenner says she isn't exactly besties with Caitlyn just yet.

*widget boy cultureMadonna misses Obama at her D.C. show. Images

*widget boy cultureElton John wants to meet Putin to change his anti-gay mind.

*widget boy cultureSick bastard torches Gay Pride bench.

*widget boy cultureHillary followed the law in deleting private e-mails.

*widget boy culturePataki bluntly states he won't vote for “unfit” Trump.

*widget boy cultureTrump is against high CEO pay, uses it to settle score with Macy's.

*widget boy cultureFallon gives Trump great coverage. DeGeneres “spars” with him.

*widget boy cultureRihanna's boyfriend is a charming homophobe who claims he isn't.

*widget boy cultureEllen is a scream lip-synching to Diana Ross and Rihanna, after the jump ... Images

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May 28 2015
Need To Know: See More Lutz + Lynch's New Goal + Kiss Your Health Good-Bye + Don't Duggar Your Sister + Tom Cruise Gets Notaro-ized + MORE! Comments (0)


BcKellan Lutz offers a peek.

BcMichael King, key Oprah Winfrey Show player, dies @ 66.

BcFinally confirmed, AG Loretta Lynch boldly goes after Big Soccer.

BcSupreme Court may be ready to strip MILLIONS of health care.

BcDan Savage wants to make “Duggar” the new “Santorum.”

BcFormer NY guv George Pataki is running for prez because why not?

IBcan Reisner & Mati Weiderpass continue their self-aggrandizing press tour.

BcMatthew Lewis plays Longbottom, but projects more Thicktop.

BcTom Cruise is now Tig Notaro's doppelganger! (Love her. Hate him.)