Greg Rutherford goes bare-assed for Attitude. (Work Unfriendly)
Ron Paul < Rand Paul < ... RuPaul???
Chicago White Sox LGBT Pride Night inspires outrage (in-rage?) online.
Fun in the shower.
KARMA'S A BITCH: Ramona Singer officially divorcing Mario.
Renisha McBride's killer found guilty of murder. Finally...sanity.
Kevin Spacey & Julia Louis-Dreyfus are drag versions of each other for EW.
Trust me: This boy is one of the hottest you'll see today.
Franco thinks speculating someone might be gay is “homophobic.”
Men of Rocky, which is closing in a week or so, for some reason got naked for Out anyway.
Justin Bieber FaceTimes with Malala.
Ugandans pushing to reinstate Kill the Gays law.
Ebola is God's punishment for (guess?) homosexualism.