7 posts categorized "JASON COLLINS"
Zac shakes, doesn't come close to breaking, it.
Zac Efron pretends he doesn't know exactly what twerking is.
Joe Biden sticks up for LGBT rights in full-throated Davos speech.
Tennessee kills anti-gay marriage bill.
Angela Morley, 1st trans Oscar nominee.
How did MI5 become the U.K.'s best LGBT employer?
Straights still passive regarding LGBT rights.
Sports Equality Foundation helps gay athletes come out.
Mom shames homophobes, celebrates son's coming-out with video:
R. Kelly was molested as a kid, doesn't molest kids, gives Cosby benefit of doubt.
Tom Daley on his belly for ya.
Tacky site hints Madonna or Angelina is pill-addicted.
Trump sez economy does better under Dems, praises Hillary:
Trump Endorses DemocratsSounds like Trump used to be halfway reasonable. What happened? Was he lying then or is he lying now?Video by Occupy Democrats, LIKE our page for more!
Posted by Occupy Democrats on Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Hillary writes passionately of President Obama's legacy.
Bernie attacks over Planned Parenthood, HRC endorsements.
Bernie would probably not win, if he won the nomination.
Ron Paul thinks Trump is the most likely Republican nominee, not his kid.
Palin blames son's violence on PTSD and ... Obama.
Now that Pluto's demoted, have scientists found a new ninth planet???
Black Lips guitarist gets nekkid onstage, has big eggs. (Work Unfriendly)
Katy Perry responds to Lady Gaga a month later—and it burns.
For Jay-Z, Beyoncé isn't enough.
Infamous Cat on a Hot Tin Roof production reskedded!
Amazing early-years Pride pix!
Check out the dude at right in the raw.
Hot Orange is the New Black photos from Out.
Biceps for days.
Sultan of Brunei employee against the boycott.
TV's Long Island Medium is a big(-haired) phony.
Jason Collins teams with Marriott on #LoveTravels.
Amazing supercut of '70s news about gay rights:
Rando convict thinks of Madonna as his big sister because 1982.
Free rimjobs! (Well, they'll cost ya some pizza.)
TARGET EXCLUSIVE: Sam Smith's “Reminds Me of You.”
Andy Warhol is dead...but his art lives on!
Lost Andy Warhol works recovered.
The overweight Vivian Maier gets artistic revenge.
Michelle Obama cancels commencment speech over ticketing shit-fit.
Sterling's racist comments to his half-black squeeze negate “I date blacks” defense.
New weakpoint discovered in HIV; may advance vaccine.
HIV-positive and 23, he may run for Florida's House of Representatives.
Jason Collins on Obama's council for fitness/sports/nutrition.
VERY LITTLE TO DO: This guy's hobby is no small feat.
Unfortunately, none will probably starve to death.
1800s Polish prison tattoos, still attached to dead convicts' skin!
A hot new men's site with inventive Y-front sweats and shirts with the above logo.
Martin Tag—you're it!
Chelsea Handler vaporizes Piers Morgan.
Looking's finale is all the rage.
Use Digital Streaker to liven up your online life.
Pres. Obama falls into The Gap.
Massive explosion/building collapse in NYC.
Jason Collins signed by the Nets for remainder of season.
Love letters to Dietrich under the hammer.
Jake Gyllenhaal goes bare-assed on a movie set.
Missing Malaysian airliner's pilot's last words: "All right, good night."
At $182K+, Steve Grand's album is a Top 10 all-time Kickstarter music project.
Chris Mears shucks most of his clothes for Winq.
Taylor Kitsch is openly gay. It's on the Internet, so it must be true.
"When I'm single, I don't bareback on purpose usually." Best Truvada read ever.
Good news on Truvada.
Hillary (correctly) compares Putin to Hilter.
MANNEQUIN, TOO: This bitch is crazy. And I love her for it.
Blake Skjellerup sweetly fanboys out on Jason Collins.
Nick chick blasts Disney tune to get through racy-pix scandal.
Liza bounced back nicely from Ellen's misfired joke.
Bieber's such a dick, how will they know what to black out?
If watching Glee makes you want to kill someone, this is the movie for you.
If you noticed Kim Novak looked different, you're a bad person.
Brett Favre looks really different now. (Is it okay to say that?)
Pope Francis thinks the Catholic Church has done lots against pedophilia.
SORRY/NOT SORRY: Trohn Javolta understands that he murdered...that girl's...name.
Kirk Cousins thinks Michael Sam needs Jesus, thinks Mary Magdalene was a hooker.
"Out of control" hot, anyway. Now that more and more public figures are on the record as gay, more and more of them are downright hot. In the past, we've had to drool over straights and closet cases, but we have a huge array of hugely hot guys who are actually gay to now lust over. (Of course, their being gay means we stand a chance in hell with them. Right? Right?)
Case in point: Adorable Michael Sam, who should be getting drafted into the NFL, is not only out, he's photographed himself with Not-So-Little Michael about half out. (Work Unfriendly)
And it's not only Jason Collins's heart that's big (seen here meeting with the Shepards because he wears a jersey number in tribute to their late son), it's pretty much all of him.
The most important thing to have is as many people as possible out of the closet as gay, bi, curious, transgender, questioning, asexual or straight, because that information destigmatizes the categories that are less dominant in our culture. But having gay figures who are also sex objects performs the function of further normalizing what gay is—it's not just about sex, but it's also not just a political declaration. The big picture is what it's about, and no facet of that picture should be left...out.
Who are the openly gay public figures you think are also superhot? I'm curious about your taste.