44 posts categorized "JEB BUSH"

Jan 13 2016
Need To Know: Drag Yourself To This Show + State Of The Union Zingers + Hillary v Bernie + YouTube Sex Fiend? + Fascist Is Suing Mad + Tom Brady's Skivvies + MORE! Comments (0)

Screen Shot 2016-01-12 at 11.03.22 PMCostume drama

*widget boy cultureThis is what happens with a former drag queen directs a children's show. Images

*widget boy cultureSOTU: Obama knocks climate-change deniers, Trump's economy fiction, Islamophobes.

*widget boy cultureEven the GOP response to the SOTU smacks Trump!

*widget boy cultureKim Davis wore this to the SOTU speech.

*widget boy cultureRep who invited Davis had no idea he'd invited her.

CYkXPLJWkAA-WFk.jpg-largeFrom here

*widget boy cultureDavid Mixner thinks Hillary has a Bill problem.

*widget boy cultureHillary Clinton getting tougher on Bernie post-Bill commentary.

*widget boy cultureSanders seeing growth in polls.

*widget boy cultureBush attacks Rubio using Nancy Sinatra.

*widget boy cultureIncredible Charlie Sheen HIV fail: Undetectable not good enough for him!

*widget boy cultureBaby Scumbag tried to have sex with a 12-year-old, procure her for his handlers.

*widget boy cultureGay kiss goes viral, lands men in hot water in Morocco.

Screen-Shot-2016-01-12-at-12.47.52-PMLe Pen is not mightier than the selfie sword.

*widget boy cultureMadonna's ex sued for kind of great use of social media. Images

*widget boy cultureI am painfully jealous of Marilu Henner now. Images

*widget boy cultureTerry Richardson will soon have access to twins.

*widget boy cultureDebbie Harry looks scary-good!

*widget boy cultureTom Brady's used underwear is for sale.

*widget boy cultureCheck out this exhibition of art by Rene Capon, The Chronicles of Zebra Boy. Images

Zebra Boy _5Artist of a different stripe

Dec 16 2015
Need To Know: Gray Area + Dammit, Janet! + This Salamander Knew Noah + Raw Footage + Underwear Overkill + Debate Dunces + Christie Kissing Up To Corpse + MORE! Comments (0)

Screen Shot 2015-12-16 at 3.49.39 PMHavin' a ball.

*widget boy cultureMichael Weatherly rides something that makes him cry out. Images

*widget boy cultureHung jury in Freddie Gray trial.

*widget boy culture200-year-old (!) giant salamander found; oldest living creature on Earth?

*widget boy cultureJock's hot guns.

*widget boy cultureHe made his living posting super gross shit to the Internet.

*widget boy culture(Insanely Work Unfriendly) Colon's-eye view of anal penetration to completion. Charlie-by-MZ-TREVOR-12-1450296294

*widget boy cultureGay male underwear: Everything ya need 2 know.

*widget boy cultureTrevor for Charlie by MZ: Hottest model ever? Images

*widget boy cultureInside the SAGE party. Cute guys galore.

*widget boy cultureTHEIRSTORY: History of trans characters on TV.

*widget boy cultureCop coldly shoots man escaping from wrecked car—no charges. Images

Screen-shot-2015-12-16-at-10-36-820x430It was ruled an accident, but the video tells a different story.

*widget boy cultureYELLEN & SCREAMIN': Fed raises interest rates.

*widget boy cultureGOP debate is filled with whoppers.

*widget boy cultureSexist blowhard Chris Christie thinks King Hussein of Jordan is alive.

*widget boy cultureTrump has NO IDEA what he's being asked. Still answers.

*widget boy culture“Affluenza” asshole faces hard time for violating parole.

*widget boy cultureCaitlyn Jenner re-teaming with Diane Sawyer for fresh Q&A.

*widget boy culturePrison for human trafficker who made men satisfy male johns 20 hours a day. Images

Tumblr_m32un0s72b1r7r1l7o1_5001Midler, Keaton & Hawn together again? You Bette.

*widget boy cultureAs close to a First Wives Club sequel as you are gonna get.

*widget boy culture1st official Ghostbusters image released.

*widget boy cultureTwink's teeny bikini is a smile-inducer.

*widget boy cultureBosGuy recommends my book!

*widget boy cultureStar Wars: Episode VII—The Force Awakens opens to raves, redeems series.

*widget boy cultureStar Wars cast sings theme.

*widget boy cultureVia The Verge: 5 hours of Darth Vader burning, after the jump ... Images

Read More

Nov 12 2015
Need To Know: A Late FROST + Nanny Scam + Glory Dazed + Latter Days, Dude + Doling Out Support + Mother Confessor + MORE! Comments (0)

S-l1600Desperately seeking a cure.

*widget boy culture30 years of An Early Frost. Images

*widget boy cultureGavin Rossdale cheated with Gwen Stefani's doppelgänger—their nanny.

*widget boy cultureThis is why I won't eat bacon.

*widget boy cultureMiley makes a killer speech at the LGBT Vanguard Awards.

*widget boy cultureJessa Duggar and her (HOT!) uptight Xtian hubby named their kid Spurgeon. Screen Shot 2015-11-12 at 1.16.40 AM

*widget boy cultureFinger in the cookie jar. (Work Unfriendly)

*widget boy cultureGlory Johnson opens up on Brittney Griner tumult.

*widget boy cultureUtah judge removes foster kid from gay couple.

*widget boy culturePlatonic queer social network launches! Images

*widget boy cultureQueer Coorain calendar—12 months of art.

*widget boy cultureNew Jerry Sandusky accuser.

*widget boy culturePopular haircare line may cause baldness.

*widget boy cultureMormons abandoning faith in droves this weekend.

*widget boy cultureEllen DeGeneres responds to Starbucks holiday-cup brouhaha.

*widget boy cultureTroubled soap actor Nathaniel Marston dies following car crash.

*widget boy cultureBob Dole is  (1) alive, and (2) backing Jeb Bush.

*widget boy cultureDiaper Dave Vitter's gubernatorial challenger calls him a liar, cheater, stealer.

*widget boy cultureIs Confessions on a Dance Floor Madonna's best album to date? Images

Tumblr_n39s2loa7c1qc73uho1_500The body may have peaked during this tour—one of the wonders of the world.


Oct 19 2015
Need To Know: Drawn Of The Dead + Trashing The De-Jennerates + Brian's Dong + Wild About Larry + Hillary's Emails ARE Important? + Bieber On His Weiner + MORE! Comments (0)

Screen Shot 2015-10-18 at 11.42.21 PMBrothers should (and actually did) do it.

*widget boy cultureSuper cool history of courtroom sketches. Images

*widget boy cultureNY Post (of all places) publishes epic take-down of Kardashians. Screen Shot 2015-10-19 at 12.12.39 AM

*widget boy cultureNFL Channel showed nekkid players! Images

*widget boy cultureThe making of a naked gay rugby calendar.

*widget boy cultureMy Instagram salutes these stars 'n' stripes:

12079225_10153553649851001_6868928178744651282_nI had stars in my eyes. And stripes in my nose.

*widget boy cultureLarry David SLAYS as Bernie Sanders on dreadful SNL. Screen Shot 2015-10-18 at 11.50.15 PM

*widget boy cultureCristiano Ronaldo “marries” a dude. Images

*widget boy cultureHillary's emails expose W & Blair as war criminals.

*widget boy cultureWas the Dem debate a turning point for Hillary Clinton?

*widget boy cultureAlabama tries to disenfranchise black voters, Hillary rails.

*widget boy culturePassing The Equality Act will be HRC's highest priority?

*widget boy cultureRomney bad-mouths Trump, Trump goes on Twitter-fit.

*widget boy cultureJeb Bush destroyed on Benghazi vs. 9/11 point.

*widget boy cultureGotta admit it: I'd like to win his underwear:

*widget boy cultureAll the latest on Lamar Odom.

*widget boy cultureJustin Bieber talks about his nude photos.

*widget boy cultureHow do you solve a problem like being gay in South Korea?

*widget boy cultureMichelle Duggar comes out for marital rape.

*widget boy cultureChris Salvatore is all wet. Images

12144810_10150561197184970_1950311501866114934_nMaking a splash

Oct 14 2015
Stretched-Face The Nation Comments (0)
Sep 17 2015
Need To Know: Not Up For Debate + Face-Off + Jeb Bush Gets High(er) + Don't Go For 2nd-Best, Baby + Gay Munchies + Oh, Brother! + Haring Gain + Tru Dat + MORE! Comments (0)

UnnamedHillary's campaign sent this gif out in response to the clownish GOP debate.

*widget boy cultureBernie Sanders calls for revolution after debate, Hillary is SHH. Images

*widget boy cultureRepublicans' descent into madness on display in debate.

*widget boy cultureJeb humiliates himself with tippy-toe gambit.

*widget boy culturePerhaps Fiorina was the least insane last night

*widget boy cultureFacing off, Fiorina spanks Trump; he still focuses on her beauty.

*widget boy cultureRich, post-menopause Fiorina don't need no stinking Planned Parenthood. Screen Shot 2015-09-17 at 1.18.18 PM

*widget boy cultureFive-star Madonna review, and the Splash photos are mine!!!

*widget boy cultureRolling Stone gushes over Madonna.

*widget boy cultureThe boy's got the right attitude.

*widget boy cultureDon't miss Matthew Wilkas on InstagramImages


Something VERY STRANGE happened today when I drank from my giant black penis shaped sports bottle....

A video posted by Matthew Wilkas (@mwilkas) on Sep 16, 2015 at 5:12pm PDT

*widget boy cultureWhy Doritos are so totally gay. NYR_11021_0009.jpg

*widget boy cultureCody Calafiore's bro has hot buns!

*widget boy cultureIs Ellen DeGeneres a Cait-haiter?

*widget boy cultureAh-mazing Haring drawings for sale.Images

*widget boy cultureHe's suing his insurer to be able to take Truvada.

*widget boy cultureHow Jussie Smollett discovered he is famous.

*widget boy cultureNaked Highway's excellent “Never Cared” (lyric) video after the jump ...

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Sep 08 2015
The GOP Gets Real: Divine Vines Comments (0)

This kind of thing is hilarious, until Donald Trump is in office.

Sep 01 2015
Need To Know: Miley Is The Queen Of Whatever This Is + Swearin' To God + The Hillbillies Have Eyes + Kiss Me, Jake + Say Three Hail Marys And Promise To Continue Not Using Birth Control + MORE! Comments (0)

Screen Shot 2015-09-01 at 10.54.50 AMGlop star

*widget boy cultureMiley's messy, experimental, free new album is here. Images

*widget boy cultureFour-times wed Kim Davis defies SCOTUS, defers to God.

*widget boy cultureKim's “old redneck hillbilly” hubby will defend her.

*widget boy cultureJake Gyllenhaal is butch-tastic on L'Uomo Vogue. Images

*widget boy cultureOutsiders trouncing GOP insiders in all polls.

*widget boy cultureBREAKING: Republicans are dumbfucks.

*widget boy cultureJeez, HIV is, more 'n' more, becoming like diabetes.

*widget boy cultureTyga brags about sex with underage Kylie Jenner ... via his art.

*widget boy culturePriests can forgive abortions during a brief period. Progress? Madonna-interview

*widget boy cultureMadonna expresses her selfie on Interview. Images

*widget boy cultureThis dude's hairy pits are perfection.

*widget boy cultureWillam Belli has a talented mouth!

*widget boy cultureLights dimmed at theater for Kyle Jean-Baptiste.

*widget boy cultureOfficial trailer for The Danish Girl.

*widget boy cultureThen-closeted Ellen Page's note to self: “Dude, just tell people you're gay.”

*widget boy cultureJake Arrieta may be the man of your dreams. Images

CNtZA8qU8AAX3hlNot-so-secret stache