1 posts categorized "J.K. SIMMONS"

Jun 08 2016
6-PACK — Transitionin' To The Oldies + J.K. Simmons Is A Swell Guy + Warren For Hillary (Soon) + Nobody For Trump (Soon) + RIP Theresa Saldana + Still John Waters! Comments (0)

6a00d8341c2ca253ef01bb08e9cf88970d-800wiRumor had it Richard Simmons had transitioned, but his rep flatly denies it.

6a00d8341c2ca253ef01bb08e9cf88970d-800wiJ.K. Simmons got totally jacked for his new movie. I'm sure he just did lots of pull-ups and ate his Wheaties.

Elizabeth Warren to endorse Hillary Clinton for president. Cue #NeverHillarys describing flames on the sides of their faces.

Flames-on-the-side-of-my-face_zps0190ea13(GIF via sey11 @ Photobucket)

6a00d8341c2ca253ef01bb08e9cf88970d-800wiIs Trump now so toxic that Walker or Romney could sneak in and steal his hard-earned nomination? Note: NO Trump on GOP.com!

6a00d8341c2ca253ef01bb08e9cf88970d-800wiTheresa Saldana, Raging Bull (1980) and The Commish (1991-1995) actress who survived a stalker's stabbing in 1982, dies @ 61.

6a00d8341c2ca253ef01bb08e9cf88970d-800wiJohn Waters' Multiple Maniacs (1970) just got restored: “Finally, Multiple Maniacs looks like a bad John Cassavetes film!”

9aa41e370cdd92b94ff31cf5a7d1d558(Meme via New Line Cinema)