13 posts categorized "JOSH DUGGAR"

Apr 30 2021
20 Years And Counting: Josh Duggar Charged With Possession Of Child Porn Comments (0)


Josh Duggar, one of the awful, right-wing Duggars of 19 Kids and Counting, has been charged with possession of child pornography — and faces 20 years in prison.

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Jan 31 2019
Magic Vinny + Oscar Hopefuls Go Hollywood + L WORD Sequel + TRICK Memories + Stone Dilemma + MORE! — 12-PACK Comments (0)

ABOVE: Paul Cassidy shows off his shape.

BELOW: Keep reading for hot Guadagnino, Kim Davis's hefty bill and more ...

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Jun 06 2017
6-PACK — You Gotta Be Joshin' Me! + Trump & Trump Jr. Attack ... The London Mayor?! + Ellen Surprises Gay Dads + WSJ Bashes Trump's Tweets + No, You Can't Use The N-Word + Trans-Bashing In The U.K. Comments (0)

Josh-Duggar-Lawsuit-Ashley-Madison-LongDo not talk about what Josh Duggar did, guys! (Image via Facebook)

WIDGETDListed: Josh Duggar wants to sue for emotional distress because the media reported the fact that he molested his sisters. WOW.

WIDGETPolitico: Trump & his dumb-ass son are still attacking London's mayor. Great timing. Great priorities.

WIDGETYouTube @ The EllenShow: Watch Ellen surprise two loving gay dads:

WIDGETHuff Post: The conservative WSJ says Trump's tweeting is a major issue.

WIDGETDailyKos: When white people say their use of the N-word is all about context, they're right — but their idea of context is too narrow.

WIDGETPink News: Two moms, kids present, viciously go after a trans man on the tube in London.

Screen Shot 2017-06-06 at 12.31.09 PMThese skanks need their children removed from their custody. (Video still via Facebook @ Naith Payton)

Jan 15 2016
Need To Know: Rethuglican Debate Morsels + Better Off Ted + Huckabee Still Hard For Duggars + Caitlyn Strictly Dickly? + Chris Pratt's Meat + Everyone's Dying Of Cancer + MORE! Comments (0)

MW-ED390_ted_cr_20160115074102_NSThose owners of The Out picked an anti-gay, anti-New Yorker to suck up to.

*widget boy cultureCruz slurs NYC values, NY Daily News slams Cruz. Images

*widget boy cultureFreedom Girls for Trump = death knell for America?

*widget boy cultureChristie's petulant rear-kicking comment pleased Twitter, presumes election this year.

*widget boy cultureLindsey Graham sweet on Jeb Bush.

*widget boy cultureMike Huckabee's SHIT FIT over defending Duggars.

*widget boy cultureSanders: New anti-Clinton ad is truthful, not negative. Screen Shot 2016-01-15 at 12.46.48 PM

*widget boy cultureWho will Elizabeth Warren endorse?

*widget boy cultureHillary comes up short, by this measure.

*widget boy cultureBoy Culture readers: Let's all meet here!!! Images

*widget boy cultureTHE OTHER MANOLO DROPS: Caitlyn can't see herself dating Unknown.

*widget boy cultureMark Salling digging in; hires big-deal defense attorney.

*widget boy cultureLittle Joe queer film zine NYC launch.

*widget boy cultureJohn Krasinski got jacked in 4 months for right-wing movie ... good genes?

*widget boy cultureChris Pratt waxes nostalgic about hunting in Texas as he jokes about all-meat diet.:


Here I am vacuum packing some deer meat in the kitchen. I grew up in the woods. Not literally. I mean, we had a house. I wasn't raised by coyotes. But I spent a lot of time in the woods. Hunting, fishing and being outdoors with my friends and family is how I spent my free time as a young'n. That part of me will never change. I mean. I'm assuming. I don't know. Maybe it will. It hasn't yet. Maybe one day I'll wake up and be like, "I'm only gonna eat veggies for the rest of my life." If I do that's cool. It's a free country. Anyways. I just filled the freezer with a bunch of tasty meat from an awesome deer hunt in the great state of Texas. Oh! I should tell you: I'm going to start a diet I called "The Game Plan" where basically I only eat wild game for a year. "The Game Plan," get it? Cause GAME? I mean I'll also eat veggies and fruit and other stuff too. But for one year I want to eat only the meats that were caught or killed by me or my friends. Total free range organic wild game! The game plan. Join me. I mean I'm gonna still eat eggs and probably chicken and probably steak I mean I gotta have steak and oysters and definitely bacon. But other than that. And the occasional burger for a cheat meal. But other than that only wild game. The game plan. I should mention I will also have sushi because I have to have sushi because it's so good. And pepperoni. But that's not a meat technically, right? But other than that all wild game. And pepperchinis! (That's not how you spell that) Exclusively wild game. It will be tough. But it's worth the sacrifice. I will be eating turkey for thanksgiving. Probably fried. That's the best. And also ham. For Easter we make lamb. That's great. Ill have to have lamb that day. So... "The Game Plan" Who's with me!?

A photo posted by chris pratt (@prattprattpratt) on

*widget boy culture12-year-old sexually assaulted on bus by upperclassmen.

*widget boy culturePlanned Parenthood suing over smear videos.

*widget boy cultureMaking a Murderer star's ex-fiancée against him.

*widget boy cultureFashion for ... 2016???

*widget boy cultureCity official quits in scandalously inept drag ruse.

*widget boy cultureNick Carter's messy, messy arrest.

*widget boy cultureLita Baron, I Love Lucy guest, dies @ 92.

*widget boy cultureCharacter actress Barbara Allyne Bennet dies @ 76.

*widget boy cultureOne of last Gone with the Wind actors dies @ 96.

*widget boy culture“In Sicily, women are more dangerous than shotguns”: Franco Citti dies @ 80.

*widget boy cultureGrizzly Adams star Dan Haggerty dies of cancer @ 74. Images

5f53a051e6571f81a6727e8fb51fefd5Cancer is having a great 2016—let's hope it's something we look back on like polio and TB in the near future.

Aug 28 2015
Need To Know: Start Manspreading The News + Creative Ways To Die + Dumb/Dumber 2016 + Hillary Takes Shots At Republicans, Terrorists, Gun Nuts + Caitlyn Is Man-Hungry + Brian Sims Bears Down On LGBT Rights + MORE! Comments (0)

Screen Shot 2015-08-27 at 10.09.08 PMVia my Instagram

*widget boy cultureManspreading is now, officially, a word! Images

*widget boy cultureDying man says workaholism in the ad world wasn't worth it.

*widget boy cultureDonald Trump: Admirer of Adolf Hitler.

*widget boy cultureTrump/Palin 2016???

*widget boy cultureHillary wants to end Biden whispers.

*widget boy cultureHillary correctly compares Republicans to terrorists.

*widget boy cultureAnd they say Hillary is incapable of being sincere? Images

“We have got to do something about gun violence in America.” Hillary Clinton on Virginia WDBJ shooting.

Posted by C-SPAN on Wednesday, August 26, 2015

*widget boy cultureJeb Bush's gay pal won't vote for him.

*widget boy cultureDozens of refugees suffocate in Austria.

*widget boy cultureAnna Duggar's family even more extreme than hubby Josh's!

*widget boy cultureMiley Cyrus opens up on the topic of tits.

*widget boy cultureCaitlyn wants a dude to treat her like a woman.

*widget boy cultureGay romantic comedy: Paternity Leave.

*widget boy cultureBusted for car theft, she dances her ass off. White, she isn't shot.

*widget boy cultureSlain journalist's dad wants gun control, will shame politicos.

*widget boy cultureEven more proof that Vester Lee Flanagan was a piece of shit.

*widget boy cultureFlanagan was once a gay escort.

*widget boy cultureRep. Brian Sims (D-PA) announces LGBT rights bill

*widget boy cultureKY clerk almost out of appeals on gay marriage.

*widget boy cultureRosie O'Donnell's daughter always wanted out.

*widget boy cultureTom Hardy: Dubsmash artiste. Images


Real hip hop is back,Tom Hardy 9shots. #EFFENVODKA #FRIGO #SMSAUDIO

A video posted by 50 Cent (@50cent) on Aug 24, 2015 at 3:09pm PDT

Aug 26 2015
Need To Know: Sucks To Be Rentboy.com + Duggar's Rough Year + Self-Proclaimed Victim Turns Executioner + M4M Bonding + Those Arms! + Hillary's Landslide + Bieber Wannabe Dies + MORE! Comments (0)

RENTBOYDiana Milagros Mattos & Rentboy.com founder Jeffrey Hurant in March 2015 (no rights given to use photo)

*widget boy cultureRentboy.com raided, shut down, its employees arrested and charged. Images

*widget boy cultureHuge-hung escort reacts to Rentboy.com raid. My March trip to the Hookies.

*widget boy cultureWhy should the Dept. of Homeland Security bust Rentboy.com 18 YEARS in?

*widget boy cultureJosh Duggar may have roughed up a porn star.

*widget boy cultureReporter & cameraman killed on camera; alleged shooter kills blank.

*widget boy cultureCowardly killer has history of alleging bullying/racism/abuse/wah.

*widget boy cultureStrip tennis with Rafael Nadal

*widget boy cultureThis KY clerk thinks opposite-sex marriage is worth dying for.

*widget boy cultureThis other KY clerk's stand against gay marriage just up and died.

*widget boy cultureUFC fighter modeled nude. (Work Unfriendly)

*widget boy culturePierce Brosnan dubious a gay Bond would be allowed.

*widget boy culturePERFECT BICEPS right here.

*widget boy cultureDonald Trump dumps Univision broadcast legend from presser. Images

*widget boy cultureHillary's poll numbers have not dipped, yo.

*widget boy cultureIf the election were held today, nominee Clinton would kick ass.

*widget boy cultureHillary says private e-mail server “wasn't the best choice.”

*widget boy cultureInside the Biden guessing game, plus: Obama leaning Hillary?

*widget boy cultureGay refugees address U.N.

*widget boy cultureRosie O'Donnell's daughter, Chelsea, leaves to live with birth mom.

*widget boy cultureJustin Bieber-obsessed Toby Sheldon has been found dead.

*widget boy cultureMark Segal's And Then I Danced sounds like a gay-media must-read memoir!

*widget boy cultureMy trip to Maui has alohijacked my Instagram! Images

Screen Shot 2015-08-26 at 8.08.36 PMCatch of the day!

Aug 19 2015
Need To Know: I'd Like To Teach The World To Not Bully + Rosie's Daughter Goes Missing + Slut-Shaming-Shaming + Iran? Deal! + Boselli In Undies + MORE! Comments (0)


*widget boy cultureCheck out the full shirtless pic at the link. Images

*widget boy cultureRosie O'Donnell's missing daughter found!

*widget boy cultureTouching proposal: Duggars' new TV pitch.

*widget boy cultureZachary Quinto is not anti-PrEP, nor anti-slut.

*widget boy cultureIn China, zero Star Fucks are given.

*widget boy cultureIran deal seems to be unbeatable.

*widget boy cultureMore Pietro Boselli undies pics here. Images

*widget boy cultureMarco Rubio hits kids with football.

*widget boy cultureSamia XI & more at Hetrick-Martin Institute fundraiser in NYC! Images


Jun 07 2015
Need To Know: Having A Ball + Tripell Krown Winer + Run, Left, Hillary, Run! + Scott Eastwood Bangs One Out + Locked & Loaded + Aged Pussy + MORE! Comments (0)
 What a horrible children's book, whoever wrote this is terrible....smdh
Posted by Ishe Smith on Sunday, May 17, 2015

*widget boy cultureABOVE: No, the balls book isn't real. But it's kinda funny!

*widget boy cultureThat horse can't spell, but sure can run: American Pharoah WINS.

*widget boy cultureWhat Michelangelo Signorile says Hillary needs to do RE LGBT rights.

*widget boy cultureScott Eastwood gets naked, bangs Kim Matula.

Screen Shot 2015-06-06 at 8.46.10 PMMorning (East)wood!

*widget boy cultureDuggars used locked doors to deter Josh's molestation hobby.

*widget boy cultureCheck out this project linking pot legalization to HIV/AIDS.

*widget boy cultureAvicii smacks Daily Star for shit-stirring headline.

*widget boy cultureListen to Walter Delmar's Pride 2015 mix!

Screen Shot 2015-06-06 at 6.03.39 PMPictures, please!

*widget boy cultureOld Dogs & New Tricks season 3 on DVD.

*widget boy cultureWorld's oldest cat dies at 27.

*widget boy cultureOfficial Princess Charlotte/Prince George portrait taken by their mom.

*widget boy cultureBroken news: Courteney Cox was high-maintenace in 1997.

*widget boy cultureThe LGBT history of DC Comics.

*widget boy cultureMatch.com thinks I'd go great with a dude seeking Asian women only:

Screen Shot 2015-06-06 at 5.45.52 PMYearning Japanese