11 posts categorized "JOY BEHAR"

Feb 15 2022
Bobsled Team's BOB-SPREAD CALENDAR + Gay Cop Settles Discrimination Suit + Oscar Hosts + Palin's A Loser (Again) + MORE! — 12-PACK Comments (0)

ABOVE: We are FINALLY getting a peek at Taron Egerton's Cock.

BELOW: Keep reading for a hot calendar, a gay cop settling a discrimination suit (in San Francisco!), Mark MacKillop's Birdland debut, your Oscar hosts and more ...

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Jan 05 2021
COVID Vigilantes Go Mainstream + Jamie's Foxxy Nudes + Medical BFs Get Engaged During Vaccination + Joy Behar Did NOT Miss You, Meghan McCain + MORE! — 12-PACK Comments (0)

Stacey-abrams-georgia-boycultureI want that sign! (Image via Instagram)

ABOVE: Yes. Every day.

BELOW: Keep reading for Jamie Foxx's foxy nudes, a gay couple gets engaged during their COVID-19 vaccinations, COVID vigilanteism goes mainstream and more ...

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Jan 27 2017
Omarosa Slams Joy Behar In Official Capacity As White House Media Liaison — So Tacky! Comments (0)

Screen Shot 2017-01-27 at 2.49.13 PM(Video still via ABC)

Trump's media mouthpiece Omarosa went on The View (why?) and sparred with the ladies, notably Joy Behar.

Watch this short clip if only to hear the unbelievably low comment Omarosa made at the very end ...

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Nov 24 2016
6-PACK — Jill Stein Discovers Her Purpose + Trump Has No Time For Intelligence + Betsy DeVos Supports Child Labor + Jackson Bews's Booty + Jockstrap Fever + Kathy Griffin Disses & Tells! Comments (0)

*widget boy cultureIt's on?! Nutty Jill Stein raises $3M+ in a day toward MI, PA & WI reconts.

*widget boy cultureUM, WHAT?: Trump's only made time for 2 intelligence briefings, which are offered daily.

*widget boy cultureAction Institute, funded by Education Secretary pick Betsy DeVos, wants to bring back child labor.

*widget boy cultureJackson Bews of Maleficent shows off his bare butt. (Work Unfriendly)

*widget boy cultureHere's a thick dude in a jockstrap for Thanksgiving. (Work Unfriendly)

*widget boy cultureKathy Griffin takes on Trump, Sharon Stone & various celebrity run-ins on The View:

Oct 07 2016
6-PACK — Birthday Joy + Chelsea Clinton Goes To Church + Trump Hates Regulations, Loves Russia + Rosie O'Donnell: Ivanka's BEAUTIFUL + 50 SHADES OF MUPPETS! Comments (0)

*widget boy cultureABOVE: Bernie's sweet b'day message for Joy Behar. Hillary says she's always hoped Joy would have a happy b'day.

*widget boy cultureIn Trevor Church, Chelsea Clinton finds a kindred spirit: 

*widget boy cultureTrump's advisor says they would drop 10% of all federal regulations. Trump later says 70%.

*widget boy cultureLobbyist advocated for Russia while working for Trump on his foreign policy.

*widget boy cultureLike a battered wife, Rosie O'Donnell writes of how beautiful the enabling Ivanka Trump is.

*widget boy cultureBest thing ever: A Muppets parody of 50 Shades of Grey.

Screen Shot 2016-10-07 at 11.35.59 AM(Video still via Darth Blender)

Jul 13 2016
It's Sad When THE VIEW Needs To Teach White People Why #BlackLivesMatter Comments (0)

... but they did a pretty good job.

Until Candace gave Newt Gingrich and Marco Rubio too much credit.

Sep 18 2015
Need To Know: The Joy Of Nursing + Pissed Inelegance + Jesshica Shimpshon + New Beyoncé + Penn's Pal + Gaga's Happening New Video + MORE! Comments (0)

Screen Shot 2015-09-18 at 1.08.06 PMOh, Joy.

*widget boy cultureI like Joy Behar, but she needs a prescription for something sometimes. Images

*widget boy cultureEven Joy knows she fucks up occasionally.

*widget boy cultureTom Hardy's war on inelegance.

*widget boy cultureI'll have what Jessica Simpson's having.

*widget boy cultureScorching-hot Oliver Cheshire

*widget boy cultureBuffoon Elton John derides prank.

*widget boy cultureTrump can see Alaska Thunderfuck from his house.

*widget boy cultureHarvey Fierstein punching up Funny Girl.

*widget boy cultureNew song feat. Beyoncé drops, softly.

*widget boy cultureScott Walker's campaign going off the rails?

*widget boy cultureSOUNDS GOOD: Chris Cornell's new album out.

*widget boy cultureMayoral candidate wants to “eradicate” the gays.

*widget boy culture2-bit right-wing carnival barker Phyllis Schlafly for the $10 bill?

*widget boy cultureSean Penn never misses a Madonna concert.Images


*widget boy culture

Happy 110th, Greta Garbo. Images

*widget boy cultureTip for Kasich: Don't like Latinos? Stop trying to pretend you do.

*widget boy cultureNew Stonewall featurette focuses on trans character.

*widget boy cultureWarren, Gaga & Hardwicke team up vs. sexual abuse ... Images

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Aug 27 2015
Need To Know: The Mating Game + Brief Encounter + En-Joy THE VIEW + Courting VPL + Very LONGTIME COMPANION + Passing The Blaine + MORE! Comments (0)

Screen Shot 2015-08-26 at 10.41.07 PMYou'll-go-blind date!

*widget boy cultureDating Naked contestant lives up to the show's title. Images

*widget boy cultureThe Lifeguard Brief is enchanting. 

*widget boy cultureProvincetown Carnival Candy Land photos!

*widget boy cultureHope Joy Behar dismembers Candace Cameron.

*widget boy cultureDespicable Grindr blackmailers.

*widget boy cultureTinder's most right-swiped college campuses are ...

*widget boy cultureU.S. stocks rebound big-time.

*widget boy cultureBethenny Frankel's reality-TV love affair.


*widget boy cultureUm, Rafael Nadal's ass in wet shorts! (More at the link.) Images

*widget boy cultureGay pressure to be MASC

*widget boy cultureSupport Slash, the teen comedy about fan fiction.

*widget boy cultureRebel Heart Tour status report: Forbes smells $ucce$$.

*widget boy cultureNew Crystal Waters music!

*widget boy cultureAmazing covers of Madonna & Pet Shop Boys classics.

457b0ee83f987b0da6345365bf944b2f772e5d68Never let go.

*widget boy cultureLongtime Companion is 25! Images

*widget boy culture“You Have to Believe” finds Olivia Newton-John & daughter duetting!

*widget boy cultureThe official Glee auction! Images

Screen Shot 2015-08-26 at 10.18.58 PMFor Criss's sake!