10 posts categorized "JULIA ROBERTS"

Nov 20 2019
Laddie In Red + Gordon Sondland Sinks Trump + Lil Nas X Makes Grammys History + Sweatpants Fantasy Man + MORE! — 12-PACK Comments (0)

ABOVE: Just don't get caught in the background.

BELOW: Keep reading for a DNA dude, Trump and Prince Andrew circling the drain, Lil Nas X makes history and more ...

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Dec 10 2018
Summer Pump + Notoriously Private Hostess Spills + Kangaroo Kicks The Bucket + Julia Roberts On Her Holes + Grindr Quitter + MORE! — 6-PACK Comments (0)

ABOVE: Glistening party.

BELOW: Keep reading for '80s dish from Helena Kallianiotes, dead kangaroo, Julia Roberts's holes and more ...

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Oct 14 2017
Gays For Trump Squirm Upon Reflection + TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD Shot Down + Julia Roberts, AIDS Warrior + Even STRANGER THINGS + Fox News's Cognitive Dissonance + CHARLIE'S ANGELS Reunion?! — 6-PACK! Comments (0)

Vladimir-putin-donald-trumpGay Republicans are traitors to the gay-rights cause, period. That should be obvious.

It's not, though, because those 15%-ish of LGBTQ people who voted for Trump stubbornly felt it was okay to vote for the party that enshrines anti-gay and anti-trans discrimination in its written platform all because of other concerns, like taxes, health care and defense (all of which Trump is screwing up so badly gay, straight, bi, trans and none of the above people are being negatively impacted already).

Now, some of the high-profile Gays for Trump are speaking out and acknowledging that Trump is a disaster for our community.

Keep reading for that and more of the day's hottest links, including a Charlie's Angels reunion, the banning of To Kill a Mockingbird and why Julia Roberts' hubby has a schlong-related nickname ...

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Jul 10 2014
The Emmys Are The New Black: Full List Of Nominees Comments (0)

Oitnb-redMulgrew had better win—she gives one of the best performances I've ever seen on TV.

The Emmy nominations are in, and I'm happy Orange Is the New Black got so much love...including for trans woman Laverne Cox! We've come a long way since Milton Berle. (Though I'm sad the men were overlooked—they're fantastic in their supporting roles.)

The Normal Heart was also showered with attention.

Meanwhile, that Ellen Burstyn—a brilliant actress with many amazing performances behind her—could be nominated for her ridiculous performance in the ridiculous Flowers in the Attic should make everyone involved realize that the Emmys will starfuck any movie star any time they deign to appear on the small screen.

Full list of Emmy nominees after the jump, with my predictions in blue...

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May 27 2014
Need To Know: Instastuds + Saw, Too + HEART Attacked & Praised + Swear-In Closets + Hot Jocks + MORE! Comments (0)

Edward-WildingHis expression says, “I know...right???”

*widget boy cultureMale models Instagramming in their undies.

*widget boy cultureMad Men's other brother.

*widget boy cultureJapanese pop group AKB48 attacked by saw-bearing fan.

*widget boy cultureFacebook director slams media in epic rant.

*widget boy cultureKanye's wedding speech was puke-inducingly narcissistic.

*widget boy culturePro Normal Heart review: “Sometimes yelling is required.”

*widget boy culturePro Normal Heart review: Bomer & Parsons rule, shoulda been a miniseries.

*widget boy culturePositive Normal Heart review: “...for mostly better, sometimes worse...”

The-normal-heart-matthew-bomer-mark-ruffalo_article_story_largeHeart monitored

*widget boy cultureMeh Normal Heart review: Characters die too fast. (Um, hello?)

*widget boy cultureMeh Normal Heart review: Good acting, bad directing.

*widget boy cultureB- Normal Heart review: “AIDS isn't the public health issue it once was.”

*widget boy cultureNormal Heart slam: Bad timing? Too much man-on-man sex?

*widget boy cultureElton John: “Today, as ever, silence equals death.”

*widget boy cultureIllinois has a long tradition of Republican closet cases.

*widget boy cultureIt's always a good moment to see Hugh Jackman's butt.

*widget boy cultureBieber gives $545,000 to AIDS research.

*widget boy cultureRugby players are rather attractive, don't you think?

Rugby-shirtlessRugger buggers

May 26 2014
First Forever! Comments (0)


My pal Gordon gets credit for this idea. I think it hilariously skewers the “first!” meme, which has admittedly already veered into absurdist territory on its own.

The Party's Over: A Review Of Ryan Murphy's THE NORMAL HEART Comments (0)

Normal_HeartRuffalo and Bomer's chemistry was authentic.

BOY CULTURE REVIEW: **1/2 out of ****

I feel bad admitting this, but I didn't love Ryan Murphy's The Normal Heart. I think having seen the recent Broadway revival—which along with August: Osage County, is the best straight play I've ever seen—set the bar too high for the HBO version.

But while I was underwhelmed, there was much to admire. Let's get the negatives out of the way first:

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May 14 2014
Need To Know: It Was A Dead Heat + NORMAL HEART Attack + Rosemary's Gayby + Herein Lies + MORE! Comments (0)

*widget boy cultureClay Aiken officially wins his Democratic primary race in NC.

*widget boy cultureAll the pretty people hit The Normal Heart's premiere.

*widget boy cultureSearching for Sugarman director Malik Bendjelloul dies @ 36.

*widget boy cultureBenham Brothers equate gays with Satan. But aren't anti-gay!!!

*widget boy cultureNatalia Kills is engaged!

*widget boy cultureGIMME A BEAT!: Diplo & Azealia Banks sued for 2012 song.

*widget boy culturePurple Crush's No More Lies video: 

*widget boy cultureeBay to launch auction-house-friendly platform.

*widget boy cultureAlec Baldwin arrested in NYC.

*widget boy culture100s die in coal mine explosion in Turkey.

*widget boy cultureEXTREMELY endowed go-go boy. (Work Unfriendly)

*widget boy cultureMadonna swings!

*widget boy cultureNoosa's “Begin Again,” a hot new song.

*widget boy cultureRemembering legendary NYC velvet-rope kingpin Derek Neen.