Elizabeth Warren used the occasion to “preach.” (Image via video still)
The LGBTQ Presidential Forum
presented by The Advocate, The Gazette and One Iowa Friday (held during Bi+ Awareness Week) was streamed live from Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and contained most of the remaining Democratic nominees speaking out on LGBTQ issues.
Noteworthy: Bernie Sanders and Andrew Yang took a pass on this, which I find to be galling.
Angelica Ross of Pose hosted the event, which was moderated by several different questioners of varying degrees of competency.
Biden has all the right positions — does he have all the right stuff?
I liked Liz Lenz, but some others have pointed out her framing of a question about trans rights was very different for Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren.
Keep reading to watch all the answers, including some funny and some squirmy ones ...