3 posts categorized "LAURA BENANTI"

Nov 03 2016
Lucian Piane, RuPaul's Music Producer, Becomes Insane Conspiracy Theorist Comments (0)

UPDATE: Lucian Piane needs mental help, as is abundantly clear from his manic, paranoid-delusional Periscope rants from earlier today. His own mom was in them, which makes me fear that nobody around him will get him the help he needs. Who he's voting for isn't a big deal right now—it appears to the layman he is having a break.

You may not know who Lucian Piane is—and you wouldn't be missing out on much if that were the case. 

While he has been nominated for the Grammy, there are quite a few categories these days.

While on hiatus from RuPaul's Drag Race—one which let's hope never ends—music producer Piane has been posting contrary (okay), provocative (okay), ignorant (not okay), libelous (not okay) items on social media, attacking the Clintons as the murderers of Justice Scalia, the Obamas as corrupt, Michelle Obama as an idiot and more.

He's even insulted actual stars, like Laura Benanti, for being with Hillary—whom he has falsely claimed is battling Parkinson's disease:

Piane is a garden-variety conspiracy theorist, one who's bright enough to be intrigued by the filmic intricacies of far-fetched plots, not bright enough to realize why they ultimately make no sense, and insecure enough intellectually that he gets a rush from calling people who aren't even engaging with him stupid for not agreeing with what are patently absurd accusations.

If Hillary were to defy the odds and lose on Tuesday, do not lay it at the feet of black voters, regardless of the final numbers—Trump's backers are overwhelmingly white men, and his enablers, the frothy-mouthed #NeverHillary crowd like Piane, are, too.

RuPaul has a history of sticking up for unpopular forms of free speech, such as blackface, but I hope he will think twice before doing the same for Piane. Piane isn't just saying things that others might not want to hear, he's lying through his teeth and ginning up hatred.

After all, if the Clintons and Obamas are murderers, what do we do with those?

Piane has said he isn't voting for Trump, but doing what he's doing—writing in Bernie Sanders, a man who is voting for Hillary Clinton and who will be working with her if she wins the White House—has the same end result. That logic eludes Piane, but deciding the aged, unfit Scalia must've been murdered, that's an idea he can get behind.

Oct 19 2016
Laura Benanti's Got The Right DIRTY AND BAD STUFF In Fresh Melania Trump Appearance Comments (0)

Screen Shot 2016-10-19 at 4.22.27 PM(Video still via CBS)

Laura Benanti was born to play Melania Trump, who was born to play dumb ...

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Sep 06 2016
Laura Benanti (aka Fake Melania Trump!) Headlines NYC Hillary Clinton Fundraiser Comments (0)

14196101_10153730111341160_6428404032319131448_o(Image via HillaryClinton.com)

This sounds like one of the most exciting (and afforable) Hillary fundraisers yet! Tickets here.