ABOVE: Fire Island 1990 was LIT.
69 posts categorized "LOUISIANA"
ABOVE: Adorable Mark Hamill just hit 73!
ABOVE: Check out a full Q&A with director Marco Calvani and stars Marco Pigossi and James Bland of High Tide, a new queer drama that I'll be reviewing soon. It is the New Fest centerpiece.
ABOVE: A Mark Allen classic!
BELOW: Keep reading for the scent of a man, Trump's possible veep and more ...
ABOVE: We owe Zelda Rubinstein an eternal debt for her early HIV/AIDS advocacy.
Below, scenes from a Pride march 40 years ago. (Image via video still)
BELOW: Keep reading for Pride 1983, the homophobic Pope, buncha hot men and more ...
ABOVE: Sam Asghari got himself a dog. And supposedly, it is in the picture above.
I almost think he's showing off on purpose. (Image via video stills)
BELOW: Keep reading for Dr. Antin's big snake, Trump gunning for wombed citizens and more ...
ABOVE: This is how I felt when my coach dad pushed me to try football.
BELOW: Keep reading for Matt Bomer, Vivek Ramaswamy, Andy Borowitz and more ...