1 posts categorized "L'UOMO VOGUE"

Sep 01 2015
Need To Know: Miley Is The Queen Of Whatever This Is + Swearin' To God + The Hillbillies Have Eyes + Kiss Me, Jake + Say Three Hail Marys And Promise To Continue Not Using Birth Control + MORE! Comments (0)

Screen Shot 2015-09-01 at 10.54.50 AMGlop star

*widget boy cultureMiley's messy, experimental, free new album is here. Images

*widget boy cultureFour-times wed Kim Davis defies SCOTUS, defers to God.

*widget boy cultureKim's “old redneck hillbilly” hubby will defend her.

*widget boy cultureJake Gyllenhaal is butch-tastic on L'Uomo Vogue. Images

*widget boy cultureOutsiders trouncing GOP insiders in all polls.

*widget boy cultureBREAKING: Republicans are dumbfucks.

*widget boy cultureJeez, HIV is, more 'n' more, becoming like diabetes.

*widget boy cultureTyga brags about sex with underage Kylie Jenner ... via his art.

*widget boy culturePriests can forgive abortions during a brief period. Progress? Madonna-interview

*widget boy cultureMadonna expresses her selfie on Interview. Images

*widget boy cultureThis dude's hairy pits are perfection.

*widget boy cultureWillam Belli has a talented mouth!

*widget boy cultureLights dimmed at theater for Kyle Jean-Baptiste.

*widget boy cultureOfficial trailer for The Danish Girl.

*widget boy cultureThen-closeted Ellen Page's note to self: “Dude, just tell people you're gay.”

*widget boy cultureJake Arrieta may be the man of your dreams. Images

CNtZA8qU8AAX3hlNot-so-secret stache