3 posts categorized "MANHUNT"

Jul 26 2016
HEAT INDEX — Red Alert + Pooling Their Resources + Bradley Cooper + Better Off Dreads + Joe Jonas + Hairy Selfie + Sen. Cory Booker + Jonathan Groff + Chris Pratt + Embarrassment Of Riches! Comments (0)

ABOVE: Nope, you that doesn't make you look fat.

DATING POOL: Manhunt's Boston pool party.

ALL I EVER WANTED: Bradley Cooper takes a vacation from clothing.


DELETE YOUR SHIRT: Joe Jonas's nipples approve this message.


POLITICALLY ERECT: It's politics, but Sen. Cory Booker is fine

YOU'LL NEVER EAT LUNCH ... : Jonathan Groff feasts on Michael Rosen in Looking. (Work Unfriendly)

STILL HUNKY: Chris Pratt never disappoints.



A photo posted by John Walter Seip (@johnwalterseip) on

Mar 04 2016
6-PACK — Steve Grand Backed Right Into This One + Manhunting Grounds + Trump Prays CPAC Won't Mind His Absence + Benedict Cumberbunny + The Gay Force Is Strong With This One + Khloé's Camel-Toe: RIP! Comments (0)

*widget boy cultureSteve Grand gets naked, showers, for Bassackwardstees.com. Screen Shot 2016-03-04 at 4.33.47 PM

*widget boy cultureManhunt wants you to Cut to the Chase.

*widget boy cultureDonald Trump abandons CPAC; needs 70% of white men to win.

Screen Shot 2016-03-04 at 4.10.14 PM(Image via Chocolatician)

*widget boy cultureImagine sinking your teeth into Benedict Cumberbatch. I mean, Cumberbunny.

*widget boy cultureMark Hamill says Luke Skywalker could be gay.

*widget boy cultureKhloé Kardashian tells Nylon she's grateful her “puss” has lost weight.

KHLOE1Khloé Kardashian (Image courtesy of Nylon/Blake Vulgamott)

Sep 09 2014
Need To Know: Ripped From The Headlines + Howser Of Love + Stern Warming + 1Daddies + MORE! Comments (0)

RipperIs Jack the Ripper's the greatest cold-case resolution of all time?

*widget boy cultureNeil Patrick Harris & David Burtka got married. Recently!

*widget boy cultureRay Rice canned by Ravens only after fiancée-beating video leaks.

*widget boy cultureEgyptian men charged over attendance of gay wedding.

*widget boy cultureHoward Stern recalls speaking at the memorial for Joan Rivers.

*widget boy cultureEric Decker's arms are top-notch.

*widget boy cultureCUTS BOTH WAYS: Jack the Ripper case solved via DNA evidence?

*widget boy cultureSullen, hostile, bored dads at One Direction concerts.

*widget boy cultureOne company now owns Manhunt, Jack'd and Dandy.

*widget boy cultureTurns out Taylor Swift hates girls, too!

*widget boy cultureBeing bald means you're not a “sexual lothario” anymore?

*widget boy cultureIf women are stupid enough to vote for Scott Brown, they deserve him.

*widget boy cultureSpeaking of stupid, Kentucky likes Mitch McConnell just fine.

*widget boy cultureJ.K. Rowling doesn't like her anti-gay former fans.

I-like-dudes-albusHe's a magic man-lover.