I keep a crazy-long list of every (!) star age 80+ HERE; I've lovingly maintained it for nearly a dozen years. It's crazy if you glance at it because all the pink represents famous names who have died in the interim. Fame, and life, are fleeting!
For fun (?), here is a list of the 40 oldest stars currently. It is somewhat heartening that there are so many nonagenarians that I couldn't include anyone under 95.
Some notes:
I'm trying to avoid a list of EVERY famous figure, so I don't include Noam Chomsky and Warren Buffett, for example. I'm avoiding politics and business. These people are actors, musicians, dancers and directors.
I also skipped over some names whose ages would qualify them, but whose work — I subjectively think — is comparatively minor. Though I don't doubt there will be some people on the list even 50-year-old fans of the Golden Age of Hollywood might not know offhand, most of those are people with, nonetheless, some kind of connection to an iconic project, some unique distinction.
Finally, this will be a living — or dying? — list. I'll update it with others as these people depart.
Let's get this going while all 100 are with us ... and please comment how many you could ID from their names alone: