3 posts categorized "MARIO TESTINO"

Aug 04 2017
6-PACK — Mario Testino's Got More Pretty Stuff Than He Can Handle + Kardashians Turn On Caitlyn + Debbie Harry's New Spread + Fur Ball + Employing The Boy + In Andre's Secret Garden! Comments (0)

Screen Shot 2017-08-04 at 6.22.25 PM 1If you really want to feel poor, you shouldn't miss the video shot by Sotheby's in which legendary fashion shooter Mario Testino talks about his art collection, some of which is going up for sale September 13, 2017.

“Collecting has been an amazing journey for me,” he notes. No shit?

Keep reading for an eyeful ...

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Jan 13 2017
6-PACK — Ben Wrong Before + Paul Ryan Glibly Tells Cancer Survivor He Won't Miss ACA + Thiel Looks Forward To Trump Corruption + Gandy's Dandy + Caitlyn Live + Patient Zero Evidence! Comments (0)

WIDGETABOVE: Smarmy Ben Carson can't assure Sen. Warren he won't help make Trump richer in his proposed job as HUD director.

WIDGETBELOW: Former Republican who got cancer and suddenly loved Obamacare is told by Paul Ryan repealing ACA is better off dead.

WIDGETGay Paypal tycoon Peter Thiel defends Trump against scandals, saying Obama's 8 corruption-free years were boring. Please, bore me!

Mario-Testino-Towel-Series-David-Gandy(Image by Mario Testino)

WIDGETCheck out Mario Testino's barely-there-towel series on Instagram series; it just landed a new, nude David Gandy.

WIDGETHere's your chance to buy Jennifer Finney Boylan's book ... and introduce a cream pie to Caitlyn's inauguration-going face.


WIDGETStudy concludes what we have surmised for some time: There was no Patient Zero for AIDS outbreak. Also, see above on the FDA blood-donor ban.

Capture-286(Image via screenshot)

Mar 21 2014
Private Lives Comments (0)
Nicholas Hoult looks dashing on Vman (Spring/Summer 2014) in shots by Mario Testino. The interview is by director Bryan Singer, who gets the rising star to chat a bit about fame:

"Well, to be clear, the most important is the personal life and then the acting. The celebrity life sort of takes care of itself, I don't really worry about it. I suppose it would be stupid to say it's irrevelant, because that's sort of part of what being an actor is, but there's also that part of me that doesn't want anyone to know anything about my personal life, because then they won't be thinking about the characters, they'll be thinking, 'Oh, that's him, I know this or that about this life.'"
