6 posts categorized "MARK SALLING"

Jan 30 2018
GLEE Star Mark Salling Commits Suicide @ 35 Ahead Of Sentencing On Child Porn Charges Comments (0)

Download(Image via FOX)

TMZ reports that onetime Glee star Mark Salling, who was about to be sentenced to four to seven years in prison for possessing child porn, has died at 35 ...

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May 31 2016
6-PACK — Ugly Naked Guy Is Revealed + Obama's Pride Proclamation + Mark Salling Got Fired In An Epic Way + Anti-Gay Vatican Stalwart Is (Guess?) Gay! + AIDS Activist Pushes Back Against Bernie + Jan Crouch Meets Jesus! Comments (0)

573f6ea61600002a00f940feDavid Schwimmer & Ugly Naked Guy on Friends (Video still via NBC)

*widget boy cultureThe identity of the dude who played Ugly Naked Guy on Friends took YEARS to reveal. Finally, we get his name and face!

*widget boy cultureObama on Pride: “I call upon the people of the United States to eliminate prejudice everywhere it exists, and to celebrate the great diversity of the American people.”

*widget boy cultureMark Salling cut from mini-series as Gods and Secrets director releases powerful anti-abuse statement.

*widget boy cultureCatholic priest who drafted Vatican's anti-gay policies, written negatively of gay people accused of—guess what?—LOVING GAY SEX.

*widget boy cultureLongtime AIDS activist Peter Staley pushes back against Sanders campaign's insinuations that he's on the take.

*widget boy cultureChristian grifter Jan Crouch, about whom even Tammy Faye Bakker might've said, “Tone it down,” dies @ 78. Co-founded Trinity Broadca$ting Network

Jan CrouchJan Crouch (Video still via TBN)

May 28 2016
6-PACK — Unholy Mess + Mark Salling Indicted + HOT-Guy Roundup + COMING TO AMERICA Again + Eggplant Money Shot + Ultimate Video That Highlights Trump's Racist Bloodlust! Comments (0)

Holy-HellWill Allen (Movie still via WRA Productions)

*widget boy cultureReview of Holy Hell, a doc shot by a former gay porn actor who had a bit part in Rosemary's Baby (1968) who spent 20+ years in the Buddhafield cult.

*widget boy cultureMark Salling has been indicted on charges of receiving and possessing child pornography.

*widget boy cultureHEAT INDEX: Furry guys galore. Nude sunbathing on Fire Island: Status report. Lewis Hamilton shirtless on the beach. Ricky Martin's new BF nude. (Work Unfriendly) 

*widget boy cultureMI teens recreate scene from terrible movie Coming to America (1988) for their prom. Pretty damn cute, actually.

*widget boy cultureThai man decides to pleasure himself in the booty with an eggplant while on a public bus. Someone helpfully recorded and posted it.

*widget boy culturePerfect visuals to go along with Trump's bloodthirsty comments about how his protesters, mostly POC, should be treated: 

Jan 15 2016
Need To Know: Rethuglican Debate Morsels + Better Off Ted + Huckabee Still Hard For Duggars + Caitlyn Strictly Dickly? + Chris Pratt's Meat + Everyone's Dying Of Cancer + MORE! Comments (0)

MW-ED390_ted_cr_20160115074102_NSThose owners of The Out picked an anti-gay, anti-New Yorker to suck up to.

*widget boy cultureCruz slurs NYC values, NY Daily News slams Cruz. Images

*widget boy cultureFreedom Girls for Trump = death knell for America?

*widget boy cultureChristie's petulant rear-kicking comment pleased Twitter, presumes election this year.

*widget boy cultureLindsey Graham sweet on Jeb Bush.

*widget boy cultureMike Huckabee's SHIT FIT over defending Duggars.

*widget boy cultureSanders: New anti-Clinton ad is truthful, not negative. Screen Shot 2016-01-15 at 12.46.48 PM

*widget boy cultureWho will Elizabeth Warren endorse?

*widget boy cultureHillary comes up short, by this measure.

*widget boy cultureBoy Culture readers: Let's all meet here!!! Images

*widget boy cultureTHE OTHER MANOLO DROPS: Caitlyn can't see herself dating Unknown.

*widget boy cultureMark Salling digging in; hires big-deal defense attorney.

*widget boy cultureLittle Joe queer film zine NYC launch.

*widget boy cultureJohn Krasinski got jacked in 4 months for right-wing movie ... good genes?

*widget boy cultureChris Pratt waxes nostalgic about hunting in Texas as he jokes about all-meat diet.:


Here I am vacuum packing some deer meat in the kitchen. I grew up in the woods. Not literally. I mean, we had a house. I wasn't raised by coyotes. But I spent a lot of time in the woods. Hunting, fishing and being outdoors with my friends and family is how I spent my free time as a young'n. That part of me will never change. I mean. I'm assuming. I don't know. Maybe it will. It hasn't yet. Maybe one day I'll wake up and be like, "I'm only gonna eat veggies for the rest of my life." If I do that's cool. It's a free country. Anyways. I just filled the freezer with a bunch of tasty meat from an awesome deer hunt in the great state of Texas. Oh! I should tell you: I'm going to start a diet I called "The Game Plan" where basically I only eat wild game for a year. "The Game Plan," get it? Cause GAME? I mean I'll also eat veggies and fruit and other stuff too. But for one year I want to eat only the meats that were caught or killed by me or my friends. Total free range organic wild game! The game plan. Join me. I mean I'm gonna still eat eggs and probably chicken and probably steak I mean I gotta have steak and oysters and definitely bacon. But other than that. And the occasional burger for a cheat meal. But other than that only wild game. The game plan. I should mention I will also have sushi because I have to have sushi because it's so good. And pepperoni. But that's not a meat technically, right? But other than that all wild game. And pepperchinis! (That's not how you spell that) Exclusively wild game. It will be tough. But it's worth the sacrifice. I will be eating turkey for thanksgiving. Probably fried. That's the best. And also ham. For Easter we make lamb. That's great. Ill have to have lamb that day. So... "The Game Plan" Who's with me!?

A photo posted by chris pratt (@prattprattpratt) on

*widget boy culture12-year-old sexually assaulted on bus by upperclassmen.

*widget boy culturePlanned Parenthood suing over smear videos.

*widget boy cultureMaking a Murderer star's ex-fiancée against him.

*widget boy cultureFashion for ... 2016???

*widget boy cultureCity official quits in scandalously inept drag ruse.

*widget boy cultureNick Carter's messy, messy arrest.

*widget boy cultureLita Baron, I Love Lucy guest, dies @ 92.

*widget boy cultureCharacter actress Barbara Allyne Bennet dies @ 76.

*widget boy cultureOne of last Gone with the Wind actors dies @ 96.

*widget boy culture“In Sicily, women are more dangerous than shotguns”: Franco Citti dies @ 80.

*widget boy cultureGrizzly Adams star Dan Haggerty dies of cancer @ 74. Images

5f53a051e6571f81a6727e8fb51fefd5Cancer is having a great 2016—let's hope it's something we look back on like polio and TB in the near future.

Jan 08 2016
Need To Know: In A Galaxy Far, Far A-Gay + Anal Rape As Hazing + Let's See Your Birth Certificate, Sen. Cruz + Tovey Titties + Pelted With Balls + MORE! Comments (0)

*widget boy cultureOscar Isaac's lip-bite inspires gay Star Wars longing. Images

*widget boy culturePlanned Parenthood's first-ever endorsement: Hillary Clinton.

*widget boy cultureTennessee h.s. basketball players arrested for raping, hazing teammate.

*widget boy cultureIs Canada-born Cruz constitutionally qualified to be prez? Maybe not.

*widget boy cultureBloggers are people, too! (Even vloggers are.)

*widget boy cultureChad Michael Murray's cheeks. (Work Unfriendly)

*widget boy cultureRussell Tovey's psychotic sex appeal.

*widget boy cultureDetails on Mark Salling's life post-arrest.

*widget boy cultureDuggar-endorsed homeschooling guru accused of sexual impropriety.

*widget boy cultureClay Aiken trashes American Idol.

*widget boy cultureSPACEBALLS: Vietnam pelted by extremely low-hangers.

*widget boy cultureDeath of an Imagineer: Frank Armitage dies @ 91. Images

Tumblr_m8nznmHYRA1ruz9j7Armitage worked on Sleeping Beauty (1959), and also contributed to Mary Poppins (1964) and Fantastic Voyage (1966).

Dec 29 2015
GLEE Actor Mark Salling Arrested For Possessing Child Porn Comments (0)

We-Are-Gleeking-Out-Over-Mark-Sallings-Sexy-Instagram-Photos-10Salling in a post from his Instagram account.

Glee's Mark Salling has been arrested for possession of child pornography.