ABOVE: “Mom, I'm doing art!”
8 posts categorized "MARY TRUMP"
The dude squatting was paid to do this. (Image via Instagram Stories)
ABOVE: Steve Grand had been leaning away from doing a calendar shoot this year. Happily, he leaned back into it.
BELOW: Bluntest interviewer ever interviewed, naked daredevil, gay BJ on network TV and more ...
ABOVE: So, I watched all of the RNC.
Nice try, My Dad Was! (Image via The View)
Meghan McCain is mad as hell at Mary Trump for ... visiting Trump in the White House on our dime? Her ridiculous questioning of Mary on The View regarding her new book was met with a swift and effective response by Mary, who perfectly framed why McCain is an intellectual, political and deductive lightweight ...
ABOVE: It was definitely good form of Leitner Winstead to preserve that big chunk of movie herstory!
ABOVE: Luke Evans knew exactly what he was doing when he posted that one.