19 posts categorized "MDNA"

Nov 06 2017
YouTube & I: Boy Culture's Greatest Video Hits Comments (0)

6a00d8341c2ca253ef01b7c77ba47c970b-550wi-1(Image by Matthew Rettenmund)

My YouTube account is waiting for you to subscribe!

In honor of Boy Culture's 12th anniversary, check out my Top 10 best-performing YouTube videos ...

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Mar 10 2015
Need To Know: Madonnamania + Selfie-Absorbed + Queer For Marriage + Robin Marvin Gaye Blind + MORE! Comments (0)

*widget boy cultureKenneth & Michael Musto accidentally wrote some great stuff about Madonna!

*widget boy cultureWas MDNA Madonna's worst album?

*widget boy cultureMadonna, firebrand feminist.

*widget boy cultureMadonna pulls a Patricia Arquette comparing women's rights to LGBT rights.

*widget boy cultureSexiest selfie ever? (It's not Madonna, all you Madonna anti-fans.)

*widget boy culture59% of America is pro-marriage equality.

Tumblr_lk4dwhM1ey1qjsl7ao1_500Ugly Ugly Emptiness is nourishing.

*widget boy cultureThis blog (Work Unfriendly) is always a visual feast.

*widget boy cultureLi'l Kylie Jenner just blew up her lips.

*widget boy culturePharrell Williams & Robin Thicke will pay through the nose for “Blurred Lines”.

*widget boy cultureJennifer Lawrence works Chloe Sevigny's nerves. Bad.

*widget boy cultureTourists film porn at Pyramids, ISIS wants to destroy them.

*widget boy cultureIggy Azalea tour postponed.

*widget boy cultureThere is apparently a sane and Democratic person in Arkansas.

*widget boy cultureSane, Democratic, ex-Arkansan Hillary Clinton explains her e-mail kerfluffle. VIDEO:

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Dec 20 2014
Midnight REBEL HEART-Attack Comments (0)

Rebel HeartMadonna's best album cover since True Blue

Madonna's next album is (almost) here:

You can pre-order Rebel Heart (March 10, 2015 release) now at iTunes, with the songs “Living for Love”, “Devil Pray”, “Ghosttown”, “Unapologetic Bitch”, “Illuminati” and “Bitch I'm Madonna” (feat. Nicki Minaj) available immediately. More music is coming February 9, 2015.

MadonnaMadonna is harkening back to what was arguably her ultimate good year: 1991. Amazing shot!

Clearly, this is how Madonna's team has reacted to the unfortunate leaks. Thank God Kim Jong-un had no horse in this race.

Screen Shot 2014-12-20 at 3.31.53 AM

Madonna says:

"I was hoping to release my new single 'Living For Love' on Valentine's Day with the rest of the album coming in the Spring. I would prefer my fans to hear completed versions of some of the songs instead of the incomplete tracks that are circulating. Please consider these six songs as an early Christmas gift.”

My thoughts:

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Sep 10 2014
Forever Jung: MDNA Flashback Comments (0)


“Madonna” is so relevant it's scary...

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Sep 25 2013
You Say You Want A Revolution: Inside Madonna's secretprojectrevolution Party Comments (0)
Screen Shot 2013-09-25 at 1.40.21 AM

Gallery from the party above, plus tons more photos of Madonna & others below.

A few hours ago, I was lucky enough to attend the launch party for Madonna's secretprojectrevolution, a 17-minute short film made in conjunction with Steven Klein that's meant to address discrimination and injustice in the world.


I arrived around 9 for the event, then had to kill time until 10 before the doors opened. The e-mail containting the invite had stressed promptness, warning we may not get in if we arrived past 10:45. But too early was no good either. How would everyone get into the Gagosian Gallery between 10 and 10: 45? Turns out the guest list was just that small, maybe 250 people.

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Jun 19 2013
The Paris When It Sizzles: Madonna Channels Dietrich @ Her MDNA TOUR Premiere Comments (16)

Above, Madonna Dietrich!

Tonight was Madonna's Cinema Society-sponsored premiere for Madonna: The MDNA Tour on Epix, held at the Paris on W. 58th. Marlene Dietrich cut the ribbon on this theater in 1948...remember that, because it's on the test.

Madonna-MDNA-3Outside the theater, fans hoping to get in.

I dashed up in the rain around 7:15PM. There was a small but determined crowd of contest winners and hopefuls across the street, peopled by most of the same folks we would later see shouting at Madonna from within the Golden Triangle on the big screen. These are the people who go everywhere Madonna goes without fail. Do they have jobs? Where do they get their money? (The same questions must be asked of me.) It's always fun to see them...and it feels like home.

Madnona-Frankie-GrandeFrankie & Isaac

I bumped into Frankie Grande, a dazzling NYC talent who was one of the Born Yesterday producers, was a former Mr. Broadway and who tells me his next work will be on stage in Pageant. He was with his adorable pal Isaac, and both looked spiffy in the muggy mist. This is a hard thing to accomplish.

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Mar 17 2013
Madonna Is Scout & Proud @ GLAAD For Anderson Cooper Comments (14)

Madonna-photo copyOh, den mother, why aren't you here with me?

Downton-AbbeyThe 24th Annual GLAAD Media Awards—full list of winners here—were a mish-mash of political activism, back-slapping, genuinely emotional moments largely tied to the venerable org's new push for transgender rights and—oh, yeah!—a Madonna/Anderson Cooper one-two punch that was an instant-classic appearance for Madonna (even if the evening was to honor Coop).

Keep reading for a full report, pictures and videos...

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Feb 26 2013
Immaculate Perception: Every Madonna Song, Best To Worst—My Personal List Comments (49)

Into-the-GrooveMany times over, I've proved my love to her...

UPDATED GRAF: Added some missing songs, tweaked a couple of rankings that I think were inspired by list fatigue.

I haven't done such an elaborate Madonna list since completing Encyclopedia Madonnica in 1994, but I wanted to do a sort of ultimate, ranked list of all of Madonna's 221 officially released songs.

I think I have them all, but I am very open to receiving your corrections and input.

Rain madonna-rainI am including songs only once, so no remixes. Different versions don't count either, so "Erotica" is "Erotic" is "You Thrill Me" and counts once. A live performance only counts when it was professionally recorded and made available officially. A live cover only counts if it's fairly complete; no snippets like "Billie Jean" or "Just My Imagination". A live TV performance doesn't count, again, unless it was then made available officially.

Musical performances in films are included (such as "I Surrender Dear"), but not if they are less a song than an acting performance set to music (the Blue in the Face singing telegram).

Madonna-holiday-sire-6Where it got tricky: I'm including Wonderland's theme because it was a studio-recorded song released for consumption on television. I did not include spoken-word recordings, unless they were set to music. I'm including the songs from Pre-Madonna as they were commercially available, albeit not through Madonna. I am not including any of the Otto von Wernherr, um, "songs" or "If Madonna Calls", as those all seemed to songs created as afterthoughts by others.

UPDATED GRAF: I can see the point of questioning "The Beast Within"—which is called a remix of "Justify My Love" in its original form—but I think it is incredibly, significantly different, with different lyrics and a whole different feel (if the same sound). Madonna performed it as "The Beast Within" on tour, not as "Justify My Love (The Beast Within Mix)." I have to count "Did You Do It?" as a Madonna track; it was included as a unique song on Erotica, has a unique title and has a lengthy rap that was added. Her contribution is minimal, true, but I think its existence as a bona fide track on one of her studio albums argues in its favor as a stand-alone (or fall-flat-alone). I think the most interesting question is if "Up Down Suite" is really different from "Goodbye to Innocence." I really think it is. "Erotica" and "Erotic" are essentially the same song, tweaked, and "You Thrill Me," while sounding quite unique, fits right in there. But let me know what you think. And yes, I think "Up Down Suite" is way better than "Goodbye to Innocence," if only because in the latter, Madonna embarrassingly mispronounces "anonymity."

When it came to duets, no question. When it came to songs that featured Madonna, it really depended for me on just how prominent her contribution was. I don't feel she's a strong presence on "Sing" by Annie Lennox, I didn't think her backing vocal on Peter Cetera's "Scheherazade" was enough to warrant inclusion, and yet it would seem ridiculous not to include "Queen's English" by José & Luis, which is all but constructed around her vocal.

I look forward to your comments on what I included and didn't include, and of course your reactions to my ranking. To each his own, but in general I factored in how much I love a song personally, how important it is in her oeuvre, how interesting it is (including music and lyrics) and also how unique it was at the time of its release.

Ultimately, it's going to be about my favorites vs. yours!

Feel free to cut-and-paste my list and submit your own.

And...oh, yeah: Enjoy...

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