6 posts categorized "MELISSA ETHERIDGE"
ABOVE: Rainbow, meet pot o' gold.
ABOVE: ... and I'll be your server today.
Above: This is what happens on a hike?!
Melissa Etheridge stopped by Larry King Now to talk about the music biz, President Obama, marijuana legalization and more.
Oh, and did you know she has a duet with Queen Latifah on her new album?
“It was so much fun! Any genre, anything—just come knock on my door, I'll sing with you. I love playing in other people's sandboxes.”
Watch the clip after the jump...
You actually can stop the music.
The Village People's NYC is going the way of Nancy Walker.
Obama takes strong action to save the planet.
These dudes had a 50-year engagement!
Andy Cohen bringing unscripted (!) I Slept with a Celebrity to TV.
Hottest hotties of the 2014 World Cup.
OY VEY!: Donald Sterling goes to (black) church.
Conservatives hating on freed POW freed from Afghanistan & his family.
Ex-gay Antoine Dodson has a kid now, vows to help the kid be straight.
Meghan McCain on GLAAD's board now. Ugh.
Bieber apologizes for telling N-word joke on camera at 15.
Gaga in search of a swagger coach?
Miss Coco Peru urges: Show Me Your Pride!
Jonathan Groff is so not into social media. #stuckup
Laverne Cox is, in fact, a woman. Assholes.
THE NAKED AND THE RAMMED: Nude bike ride banned.
Musto's worst movie musicals list is tone deaf. (On purpose.)
Melissa Etheridge gets married again.
Hunky Miles Davis Moody does Hey Qween!
Naked rugby brothers!
Fools want to reject mail with Harvey Milk stamps.
Church not responsible for molester priest because he wasn't on the clock.