ABOVE: Are you ready for Ed Harris? Are you even deserving?
26 posts categorized "MICHAEL FLYNN"
ABOVE: I know where my gaze goes.
ABOVE: The real president — and he will continue to be even after August.
BELOW: Keep reading for Nev Schulman's shag, Adam Lambert's Pride org, Joe Exotic casting news and more...
ABOVE: People are having way too much fun with the Bernie Sanders Inauguration Day meme.
ABOVE: Flex in the city.
ABOVE: It was definitely good form of Leitner Winstead to preserve that big chunk of movie herstory!
ABOVE: Britney Spears, probably the quietest gay-icon diva on LGBTQ issues, piped up with some Pride love. Listening to and watching this, yes, I appreciate that she said something, but no, I will never understand the appeal, other than: She was the most popular female singer when you were 12.