3 posts categorized "MICHAEL PHELPS"

Oct 15 2016
Ends Of The World: Michael Phelps Comments (0)

Thanks @arschmitty for my cupping today!!! #mpswim #mp πŸ“· @chasekalisz

A photo posted by Michael Phelps (@m_phelps00) on

Michael Phelps, a cute A-cup.

Aug 10 2016
6-PACK β€” Pastor Who Wanted African Gays Killed Going Down? + Glenn Beck Going Down? + Barbra For Hillary + Gay-Scene Blues + Tongan Swimmer's Activist Rear + Phelps & Lochte! Comments (0)

Amini1-500x375Amini Fonuaβ€”see below for story (Image via Vanguard Now)

*widget boy cultureU.S. pastor Scott Lively, who pushed for Uganda's Kill the Gays law, faces trial.

*widget boy cultureLawsuit vs. Glenn Beck over Boston Marathon terrorist bombing proceeds. He's toast.

13876410_10103642855560258_6573211782321590696_nWorld's cutest couple outside Barbra's Chicago show (Image via Shaun Martz & Russ Ramstrom)

*widget boy cultureHear Barbra Streisand sing & help raise cash for Hillary Clinton, who's just gotta win.

*widget boy cultureIf you're feeling shut out from the gay community over sexuality, some of these replies make sense.

*widget boy cultureOpenly gay Tongan swimmer Amini Fonua is raising gay awareness with his butt!

*widget boy cultureMichael Phelps wins amazing 20th gold medal. Why Ryan Lochte ain't half-bad, either.

Aug 07 2016
HEAT INDEX β€” Great Gifts Of Tonga + More Olympic Gold + HAMILTON's Hottie + Cristiano Ronaldo + Justin Bieber + Orlando Bloom + Sausage Party + Instahotties + Serious Gains! Comments (0)

Tumblr_obgth5zLoy1rsp72ro2_r1_500(GIF via BBC)

ABOVE: Here's a nice GIF of Tonga's now-famous Pita Taufatofua.

TONGA, TOO: Out Olympic swimmer Amini Fonua, also Tongan: 



A video posted by Amini Fonua (@aminifonua) on

GOING FOR GOLD: Phelps & Lochte shirtless. Plus, tons more hot Olympians.

NIPPLE-CRISPING: Cristiano Ronaldo suns his areolas.

HISTORY-IN-THE-MAKING: Meet Hamilton's hot, HIV+, gay new lead!

Javier(Video still via CBS)

BIEBER UNCUT: Actually, cut. But you know what I mean. (Work Unfriendly)

ORLANDO, THE SEQUEL: Bloom's booty, his frisky times with Katy Perry.

SIDE OF SAUSAGE: Speedo-wearer, sunnyside up.

CAUGHT UNAWARES: 2,400+ hot guys on the streets of NYC.