12 posts categorized "MICHELLE VISAGE"

Mar 11 2024
John Cena's Got The Parts + Oscar In Memoriam Disaster + Gaga Defends Dylan Mulvaney + Beyoncé X Dolly Parton + Florida Anti-Queer Bills DOA + MORE! — 12-PACK Comments (0)

ABOVE: John Cena, you've got the parts.

BELOW: Keep reading for Jacob Elordi, Michelle Visage, Trump cutting Social Security in his dreams and more ...

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Dec 07 2021
Kissing Off The Haters + WEST SIDE STORY Spooks Saudi Arabia + GLAAD & Drag Stars React To Firing Of Pastor Craig + Movies Galore + MORE! — 12-PACK Comments (0)

ABOVE: It's Ponyboy's Ponybutt for me.

BELOW:  Keep reading for the best way to fight homophobia, why Saudi Arabia can't handle West Side Story, a dad who belongs in the parent-of-a-gay-man Hall of Fame and more ...

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Apr 16 2020
Beach Bums + GLAAD's COVID Event + Full-Frontal, Full-Backal + Warren: She's With Him + Hardy As Capone + RIP Brian Dennehy + MORE! — 12-PACK Comments (0)

ABOVE: ... and I'll be your server today.

BELOW: Keep reading for beach bums, full-frontal actor, Warren for Biden, Tom Hardy uglied up, RIP Brian Dennehy and more ...

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Nov 17 2019
Turns Out There's Something To It — But What? Comments (0)

Screen Shot 2019-11-17 at 12.53.33 PMShe looked great — what's the problem?! (Image via video still)

Michelle Visage — a huge Madonna supporter in spite of being asked by Madonna's people, early in her career, to stop aping her appearance — performed a terrific homage to Madonna's MTV Music Awards rendition of “Vogue” on Strictly Come Dancing ... only to land in the bottom!

Some are suggesting it had to do with the performance's lack of dance moves ...

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Jun 04 2018
Male Model's Curve Ball + Gay Vlogger's Alien Encounter + Everybody Hates Roseanne + Giuliani: Trump Could Shoot Comey + Troye On TODAY + POSE Review + Where In The World Is Melania? + MORE! — 12-PACK Comments (0)


Above: Surf and turf! Austin Wolf with some of the latest RDR girls.

Below: Keep reading for a show-off model, an interview with a Pose pioneer, Troye Sivan Today, the death of a Soap star, a game of Where's Melania?, and more ...

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Sep 11 2017
Hieeee Energy: Inside RuPAUL'S DRAG CON NYC 2017! Comments (0)

Sasha *IMG_8522_newSasha, fierce, above; playing the Miss Fame game, inset (All images by Matthew Rettenmund; feel free to share with watermark)

*IMG_8879_newI just spent two days flying around RuPaul's Drag Con NYC 2017, the inaugural East Coast version of the popular West Coast dress-up confab, and boy are my charms tired — it takes a lotta energy to approach dozens of lovely ladies and laddies and ask them to pose, even when it's written all over their faces (in MAC) that they'd be more than happy to do so.

It was a balls-to-the-wall-of-your-thighs blast, though. World of Wonder once again struck wonder into the hearts of its legions of fans, I saw things I'll never forget and I got to meet the one and only RuPaul. Luckily, I already love myself, so there was no question how in the hell I was gonna love that particular someone else. 

Keep reading for the full run-down and nearly 200 pics ...

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Jul 15 2017
6-PACK — Tate Modern + I Ru! + Museum Of Ex + Free Ryan Lochte + ALADDIN Casted + Drip, Drip, Bish! Comments (0)

Lg_d401f7-SharonTate-valley-of-the-dollsThe late Sharon Tate (Image via 20th Century Fox)

WIDGETDListed: Sharon Tate's sister says Jennifer Lawrence isn't pretty enough to play the late actress.

WIDGETNewNowNext: This gay couple's wedding will be officiated by Michelle Visage. Gagging!

WIDGETBravoTV: You can personally view that infamous Madonna letter that references Whitney Houston and Sharon Stone in NYC.

WIDGETExtraTV: Ryan Lochte, like, um, got off on those potential criminal charges in Brazil. Cool, dude!

Massoud-Mena-headshot-22hr-933x1024Aladdin's Mena Massoud (Image via headshot)

WIDGETJust Jared: For some reason, Guy Ritchie is being allowed to direct a live-action Aladdin. Meet his cast.

WIDGETTwitter @kylegriffin1: Former Watergate prosecutor Jill Wine-Banks points out all the parallels between that scandal and Trump/Russia.

May 08 2017
Why The MTV Movie & TV Awards Mattered Comments (0)

Aside from a catastrophic performance overall by otherwise endearing, adorbs host Adam Devine, the MTV Movie & TV Awards went bold this year, awarding actors instead of actors and actresses, and honoring a gay kiss, rewarding a diverse array of performers and performances.

I mean, the network's Best Kiss Award went to the young men who smooched in Moonlight — a black, gay kiss — which years ago would be about as likely as me not spending half my day on 7Sultans mobile casino app:

Some who rail against PC will find this move into the future irritating, but in particular, I've thought for a long time the arbitrary distinctions in Best Actor/Best Actress categories have felt like relics of the past. It feels like there is a Best Actor category, and then one for Actress just 'cuz, you know, the girls can't win.

But in MTV's first stab at a gender-neutral ceremony, a girl did win — Emma Watson took home the popcorn trophy for her role in Beauty and the Beast, itself a trail-blazing film for its somewhat “gay moment.”

I almost found Watson's speech ridiculous — she gave a heartfelt speech worthy of winning an Oscar, or a Nobel Peace Prize! — until I listened on and realized she was right to make a big deal about the award, and to take the time to unpack why she won it. She was right that it wasn't just for her acting, but also for what her film represents, and while we all know the MTV Movie & TV Awards are not going to be as free of politics and vote-rigging as the Oscars, I think the show's vibe and her speech really did make progress in the culture.

Sadly, though it took a move to VH1 for RuPaul to suddenly be recognized as the true icon he is — he was named an influencer by Time out of nowhere, finally! — and though he did win for Best Reality Series, he was not allowed to accept his award from the stage. Instead, host Devine dropped it at his table.

Choosing RuPaul (indeed, inviting him to a major awards show) was a big deal, but silencing him was pretty offensive, especially when there was a lot of crappy filler during the show — I mean, they could have cut the jaw-droppingly lame opening by 60 seconds to let Ru say something funny, no?

Still,  it was one false note in a show drenched in diversity — and not diversity for diversity's sake, but because diverse is what true excellence looks like.

Plus, it's always a pleasure to see Aaron Taylor-Johnson, especially when he's awarding my favorite movie of the year so far, Get Out, and seeing Maxine Waters given a hero's welcome was worth sitting through Noah Cyrus.


Tonight I had the pleasure of giving my buddy.. #danielkaluuya the @mtv Next Generation Award 🐯#getout

A post shared by Aaron Taylor-Johnson (@aarontaylorjohnson) on

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