13 posts categorized "MINNEAPOLIS"

Nov 07 2017
BIG Night For Dems — We Took Virginia & New Jersey Governorships; 1st Trans State Legislator Elected! Comments (0)

35ez2d2X_400x400The two most overall impactful political news items of the evening have to be Ralph Northam's (pictured, left) big win over Republican flunkie Ed Gillespie for the governorship of Virginia, followed by Phil Murphy creaming Chris Christie's Lt. Gov. Kim Guadagno for the governorship of New Jersey.

But there is such a thing as optics — the thinking man's karma — and nobody had a better-looking win than fabulous Danica Roem.

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Sep 04 2017
Evangelicals Attack Pro-LGBT Book + Nikki Haley Warns North Korea + Anti-Gay Pastor Says Harvey Is God's Vengeance + L.A. Brush-Fire Disaster + Gay Punk Zine, Collected + Racing For The Door Over David Duke — 6-PACK! Comments (0)

51lOr0fYHkLParents tend to think the world revolves around their precious progeny, which can lead to whacky things like Evangelicals Kurt and Michaela Jaros demanding a Chicago library remove from its shelves a gay-positive book because their 3-year-old toddler allegedly stumbled across it.

This Day in June (Magination Press) teaches kids about Pride, and has the American Psychological Association's seal of approval.

Keep reading for the Chicago Public Library's response, and more of the day's hottest links, including North Korea war posturing, the anti-gay pastor who claims Harvey is God's wrath for letting trans people pee and more ...

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Jul 24 2017
Welcoming People From All Backgrounds — What A Concept! Comments (0)

Philip-Noyed-artGive us your ... well, give us everybody! (Image via MSP Airport)

Art intended to welcome everyone — people of any race, creed, nationality, or sexual orientation — just went up at the Minneapolis Airport.

From a press release:

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Jun 20 2017
6-PACK — BARES With Me + Take My Husband, Please! + Boy George Covers YMCA + Saluting A Fallen Hero With A Great Sense Of Humor + Russian's Gay Laws Illegal + Inside A Chechnya Gay-Abuse Prison + The Art Of The Squeal! Comments (0)

DSC04651_newModel Juanfer De La Torre after Broadway Bares — this guy understands the camera! (Image by Matthew Rettenmund)

BONUS ITEM Instagram: Posting tons of Broadway Bares: Strip U images here!

Screen Shot 2017-06-20 at 11.00.32 AMTom Hoch's husband jokes that the candidate does nothing but think about Minneapolis. (Video still via Tom Hoch for Mayor)

WIDGETJoe.My.God.: Minneapolis mayoral candidate gets a cute intro video from his husband. Seems to have been inspired by this one

WIDGETThe Guardian: Boy George partners with YMCA on remake of Village People song — first time the org has embraced the gay-skewing anthem.

WIDGETKenneth in the (212): The twerking officer who died of 9/11-related cancer will be posthumously honored by the NYPD Gay Officers Action League.

WIDGETNew York Times: Euro court rules Russia's anti-gay gay propaganda laws are illegal. That'll go over well with Putin.

Screen Shot 2017-06-20 at 10.46.26 AMAn activist in Russia thinks international outrage has had an effect on the Chechnyan crackdown. (Video still via VICE News)

WIDGETYouTube @ VICE News: The indispensable VICE News visits Chechnya for a look inside the prison where gay men say they've been tortured.

Chechnya-gayChechnya is supposed to abide by Russian law, but as long as its leader swears fealty to Putin, anything goes. (Video still via VICE News)

WIDGETArtNet: The Daily Show has produced The Donald J. Trump Presidential Twitter Library, a hilarious art exhibit of NMPOTUS's most absurd tweets.

Oct 01 2014
Need To Know: Folsom Face-Sucking + Bake Off, Lady + Jockeying For Position + For Dismembers Only + Abs-Olutely Fabulous + MORE! Comments (0)


*widget boy cultureABOVE: mr Pam hits Folsom Street Fair...and it hits back!

*widget boy cultureNothing makes me smile harder than a homophobe in tears. Kirsten-Dunst

*widget boy cultureReviewing sexual positions on Yelp!

*widget boy cultureKirsten Dunst short is best thing she's done in years.

*widget boy cultureKelly Rowland to play Donna Summer?

*widget boy cultureMore press for my new book—please pledge if you can.

*widget boy cultureObamas should move to a doorman building...

*widget boy cultureUNSAFE SEX: Gay porn actor murder trial under way.

*widget boy cultureMinneapolis gay couple shot by religious nutjob.

*widget boy cultureTyler Perry and his “girlfriend” (snort!) are expecting a son.

*widget boy cultureBruce Jenner is transitioning. Just accept it.

*widget boy culture2nd Obamacare enrollment period begins November 15!

Nick-the-Gardener-Billy-Reilich-Ellen-shirtlessDid I mention I'm an amateur proctologist?

*widget boy culture“Nick the Gardener”'s abs get their own spin-off show.

*widget boy cultureEbola hits the U.S. via Dallas.

*widget boy cultureInterview with out artist/illustrator Drew Green.

*widget boy cultureJessa Duggar links Darwin to the Holocaust to abortion because God.

*widget boy cultureKoch Brothers trying to buy Latinos' votes.

*widget boy cultureGetting intimate with Britney Spears.

*widget boy culturePolice chief's daughter screamed slurs and hit bashing victim in the face.

*widget boy cultureI LOLed at the fainting scene in Episode 3 of Raymond & Lane, after the jump...

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