1 posts categorized "NEW YORKER"

Jun 21 2016
6-PACK — Gun Control Hall Of Shame + Tom Hiddleston's Better Half + Does Trump Really Wanna Win? + Sanders Battles Superdelegates & Congressional Black Caucus + Hillary Looking For Popstars + NEW YORKER's Kiss-In! Comments (0)

*widget boy cultureThis handy list shows what the NRA paid the Republican senators who refused any measure of new gun control in the wake of the Orlando massacre.

*widget boy cultureA whole lotta information about Tom Hiddleston's butt.

*widget boy culture5 reasons why Donald Trump either doesn't wanna win or isn't remotely equipped to do so.

*widget boy cultureSanders battling superdelegates in the Senate, but Congressional Black Caucus is staunchly opposed to doing away with them.

*widget boy cultureHillary is reaching out to a slew of youthful, popular artists to jazz up the Democratic National Convention. For Trump, Scott Baio could do a dramatic reading?

*widget boy cultureYASSSS, New Yorker: #TwoMenKissing cover is one for the ages:

Nyer(Image via The New Yorker)