Meet ginger WWE star Sheamus.
New Boy Scouts prez says outfit needs “a blunt talk” on homosexuality.
Davey Wavey caters to his audience...girls 14-17???
50/50: ND is last state whose marriage ban goes to court.
A kiss is not just a kiss.
FOX: Homosexual impulses caused CA massacre?
Madonna to The Voice? Yeah, right.
Interview with Kyle's Bed and Breakfast creator Greg Fox.
Kimye had a photo booth at their high-class wedding?
Groovy beard pix by Jeffrey Horvitz.
Japanese girls recruiting their li'l brothers into drag.
Justin Vivian Bond not buying into the “tranny” controversy.
Chaz Bono at the RDR finale premiere; no T-word, no shade.
Aaron Van Driessche slays in/out of a singlet.
The CDC comes out swinging for Truvada as “a new option vs. HIV”: