ABOVE: God damn, his thigh game is strong.
ABOVE: God damn, his thigh game is strong.
ABOVE: Sunkissed!
BELOW: Keep reading for Beyoncé, Madonna, Aaron Schock and why Facebook is the devil ...
ABOVE: Ross Collab cuteness.
I thought Bohemian Rhapsody was entertaining, but even those of you who kinda hated it probably liked Rami Malek's full-of-heart performance. Now, his old high school is singing — well, playing — his praises ...
The nominees for the GLAAD Media Awards will be announced tomorrow, but already we know one loser: Bohemian Rhapsody ...
ABOVE: I recall Hornet low-key mocking me for being the first to point out how hot Sen. Doug Jones's zookeeper son Carson was; I had gotten lots of traffic from posting pics from Carson's account, and their piece chided those of us who framed him as our thirst trap. And now?