Madonna has a good time, but pauses to get serious about AIDS. (See below.)
Five-star Madonna lets Graham Norton wiggle into her act.
They are kicking our asses, but they is, too.
Unsurprisingly, things are horrific for gays under ISIL.
What would you pay for One Direction's used shoes?
Both Hillary and Bernie handily beating all Republican comers.
Jennifer Granholm implores Trump to abandon campaign.
RHOBH star Yolanda Foster & superproducer hubby David Foster kaput.
LA guv John Bel Edwards is pro-LGBT.
Was #BlueLivesMatter more about #BlackLivesDontMatter?
Accomplished VFX producer Eric Kohler vanishes in L.A.
Three daddies, little lady.
Tech industry is very LGBT-friendly, say these numbers.
Former Clinton official Sandy Berger dies of cancer @ 70.
Big-hearted Facebook founder will give away BILLIONS.
Why fake racism when it's all around you already? Pathetic.
After the jump, Madonna—on World AIDS Day—remembers son's birth family ...