11 posts categorized "REAL HOUSEWIVES OF NEW YORK CITY, THE"

May 01 2018
Pulse Survivor Goes Ex-Gay + Chris Mazdzer's Shaggy Chest + Wendy Williams Supports Michelle Wolf + Jackie Chan's Disowned Gay Daughter Is Homeless + Why Carol Burnett's Series Comeback Fizzled + Patrick Leblanc Strips + MORE! — 12-PACK Comments (0)

Above: He gets naked down below.


Below: Keep reading for Chris Mazdzer's hairy chest, a pair of lethal thighs, Wendy Williams for Michelle Wolf, Trump's latest fake outrage, Jackie Chan's illegitimate daughter is a homeless lesbian, John McCain decides to be honest before he dies, the Pulse survivor who went ex-gay and wants you to do the same, and much more ...

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Apr 06 2018
Gus Kenworthy & Adam Rippon, Stripped To The Waist + RIP Susan Anspach + Bearded Bud + Streep On BIG LITTLE LIES + Shawn Mendes Not Sending Shirtless Selfies To Charlie Puth + Luann Ross! — 6-PACK Comments (0)

Above: He raises a good point.

Below: Keep reading for Gus Kenworthy and Adam Rippon ganging up on each other, Shawn Mendes on those Charlie Puth rumors, and much more ...

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Feb 09 2016
6-PACK — Kathryn Knott That Innocent + Wicked Gay Return + Selfless Kim Davis Selfie? + Michigan Outlaws Funnest Sex + REAL SISTER WIVES OF NEW YORK + Steven Avery's Twins' Verdict! Comments (0)

Kathryn-KnottKnott as seen in publicly released surveillance footage (L) and in her public mug shot (R)

*widget boy cultureGay-bashing Kathryn Knott sentenced to 5 to 10 months in jail.

*widget boy cultureWicked Gay Blog is back!

*widget boy cultureWhy this gay dude took a selfie with Kim Davis.

*widget boy cultureWHAT WATER CRISIS?: MI Republicans outlaw sodomy.

*widget boy cultureRamona Singer dated LuAnn de Lesseps's fiancé.

*widget boy cultureSteven Making a Murderer Avery's twin sons speak out on his guilt.

Steven-Avery-twin-sons-Making-MurdererVideo still via Crime Watch Daily

Dec 05 2014
The Naked Truth: A Review Of THE ANDY COHEN DIARIES Comments (0)

  Andy-CohenAndy Cohen as Burt Reynolds by Alejandro Mogollo for Boy Culture

BOY CULTURE REVIEW: ***1/2 out of ****


The Andy Cohen Diaries: A Deep Look at a Shallow Year (Henry Holt, $26) is the follow up to Cohen's best-selling Most Talkative: Stories from the Front Line of Pop Culture. That book was fun, a mix of media memoir and gay came-of-age story, like what you'd get if David Sedaris gave a shit about upscale ladies who punch.

But I was much more eager to read Andy's latest because I share his obsession with The Andy Warhol Diaries, the 1987 publication of the late pop artist's mundane, gossipy, catty, banal, unintentionally sociologically insightful day-to-day journals. Even without reading a word of Cohen's new work, he already wins for best title of the year. He's also inoculated himself against any bad reviews by embracing an earlier work that he notes was dismissed as “a vapid assortment of name-dropping and celebrity bashing,” which is only true if you're someone who doesn't care that Warhol noted Madonna and Timothy Hutton were hanging out together and accidentally broadcast that fact to the New York Post one day in the '80s.

But this Andy doesn't disappoint, coming across as a Warhol with an agenda, more of a sense of the ridiculous and a libido.

Juicily, Cohen starts the book right when those rumors circulated that he was engaged to straight athlete Sean Avery. Hey, there have been more damaging rumors than to be linked to this. But it's a great way to begin, as it lets you know the author isn't going to hold back. Just a few pages later, he goes after Kevin Spacey—who deserves to be gone after—with this observation:

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Aug 08 2014
Need To Know: Ginger? Roger! + Straight White Male Discrimination + Shower Power + Turtle Time Goes Back Into Its Shell + Naked ROCKY + MORE! Comments (0)

Greg-RutherfordRed, hot

*widget boy cultureGreg Rutherford goes bare-assed for Attitude. (Work Unfriendly)

*widget boy cultureRon Paul < Rand Paul < ... RuPaul???

*widget boy cultureChicago White Sox LGBT Pride Night inspires outrage (in-rage?) online.

*widget boy cultureFun in the shower.

*widget boy cultureKARMA'S A BITCH: Ramona Singer officially divorcing Mario.

*widget boy cultureRenisha McBride's killer found guilty of murder. Finally...sanity.

*widget boy cultureKevin Spacey & Julia Louis-Dreyfus are drag versions of each other for EW.


*widget boy cultureTrust me: This boy is one of the hottest you'll see today.

*widget boy cultureFranco thinks speculating someone might be gay is “homophobic.”

*widget boy cultureMen of Rocky, which is closing in a week or so, for some reason got naked for Out anyway.

*widget boy cultureJustin Bieber FaceTimes with Malala.

*widget boy cultureUgandans pushing to reinstate Kill the Gays law.

*widget boy cultureEbola is God's punishment for (guess?) homosexualism.

*widget boy cultureGay men completing transformation to mindless bimbos:

Apr 03 2014
Need To Know: Here Comes The Judd, Gravity Levity, Groupie Sex, Nun Nonsense + MORE! Comments (0)


*widget boy cultureMcFly's Harry Jud has the perfect body, isn't shy to go nude. SUPERMAN

*widget boy cultureAlternate ending to Sandra Bullock's earnest Gravity.

*widget boy cultureJames Franco was dying to bang a 17-year-old fan.

*widget boy cultureScott & Chris Evans are double the trouble.

*widget boy cultureAnother Fort Hood shooting claims multiple lives. HarveyMilkStamp

*widget boy cultureBreitbart writer calls for Americans to commit genocide.

*widget boy cultureHarvey Milk U.S. postage stamp unveiled.

*widget boy culturePremature (?) Lady Gaga obit.

*widget boy cultureHedy Lamarr & son on To Tell the Truth, complete with ads.

*widget boy cultureNebraskan high schooler will get to read his pro-gay speech after all. Vtcn-radio

*widget boy cultureNew college prez is a Confederate. It's still 2014.

*widget boy cultureVTCAN RADIO's "Riddle Song" is a true enigma.

*widget boy cultureModel Louis Lemaire is stuh-RIKING.

*widget boy cultureA shirtless Brian Shimansky is, too.

*widget boy cultureShe was a star's personal assistant...and it sucked.

*widget boy cultureIf J.O. made you gay, I'd be having sex with even more straight men.

*widget boy cultureGwyneth & Scott had an open marriage.

*widget boy cultureReal Housewives Sonja & LuAnn are like Laurel & Hardy, with no fat one:

video platformvideo managementvideo solutionsvideo player

Sep 20 2011
Knife Dreams: Partying With Michael Musto Comments (3)

IMovieScreenSnapz001People were shaken—and stirred—by Dirty Martini

ForkOnTheLeft_Comps_Page_1 Had a blast with my buddy Jason last night at the party for Michael Musto's new book Fork on the Left, Knife in the Back (Vantage Point). I guess as I get to know more people and they get to know me, I'm less of a fly on the wall than one of the happy maggots feasting on the fame, quasi-fame and frivolity.

IMG_1999With the man who helped inspire my move to NYC 19 years ago!

IMG_1986A Russian doll, an Italian-American princess and a Countess go into a bar...

IMG_1995Murray Hill at the precipice of Dirty Martini

Michael's a New York institution, like the Empire State Building or that weird smell you keep telling tourists you don't notice. He's also a fabulously funny writer, and his new book has fresh stuff in it, making it a must-buy. (No, really, I must buy it—it wasn't given away for free at his party unlike the Bacardi.)

IMG_2094 I'd never been to the Copacabana on W. 47th, but I loved it. It felt like a throwback to the disco era—like 54, or maybe 47—and was oozing with cheesetastic outfits, semi-boldface names and genuine merriment. The love Musto engenders from certain circles is shocking considering his ability to cut a bitch with his words. He's embraced because he's unafraid to cut deserving bitches but is generous to those who haven't earned the scythe yet. He's authentic, and if his book is anywhere near as fun as this party was, you should check it out. (And not ...of the library.)

IMG_2013Fabulous detail

We arrived and ran into my friend Kenneth, who was waiting for artist and designer Scooter LaForge. They'd both turned on Madonna during (actually, before) HydrangeaGate but I have to stick with my gays even over my diva, so I was looking forward to chatting with them more later on. When I caught up with Scooter, he confessed that Madonna's response to HydrangeaGate had won him back. He met Madonna during the American Life era and said she'd been really nice, which is saying a lot since that was the era of, "I'm hot!"

Inside, the low lighting and kitschy decor helped to distract from the fact that most of us were dreaming we were 40 again, and the alcohol made quite a few of the attendees act like 20-year-olds. Mike Diamond, who doesn't need to have lighting on his side in order to make a splash, was interviewing as well as dancing with the kinda-stars.

IMG_2017The awkward moment when you both shriek, "I love your drag!"

IMG_1976Geri and I meshed well

My first celebrisighting was Geri Reischl, who dubs herself "Fake Jan"—she replaced Eve Plumb when Plumb refused to return for those godawful/gotta-love-'em Brady specials. She was decked out in the fishnets she'd worn at Chiller Theatre, when I first met her, and was traveling with her personal publicist/photographer. Nice chick! She'd apparently originally met Musto bar-hopping one night.

1Random piece

11A Guy Named Wayne

IMG_1981Mike Diamond in a cheap setting

I met up with Joe of Joe.My.God. and also one of his most vitriolic commenters, World of Wonder's Wayne, who I hadn't realized was the dude sitting two down from me at yesterday's screening of The Strange History of Don't Ask, Don't Tell. Wayne was in Versace delecto and like me was roving about looking for good photo ops. He found some.

IMG_2052Does his smile give you an Eddie Rabon-er?

It was also a pleasure seeing Eddie Rabon, one of (one of???) Broadway's finest dancers. (And he dances well, too.) He was there with a friend, enjoying his last month or so as Mr. Gay U.S.A. I then spotted Paul Iacono from (the new) Fame and The Hard Times of R.J. Berger (on which he played a horse-hung nerd), but he was chowing down on the amazing food so I didn't want to give him indigestion by introducing myself over a meat course.

IMG_1989"This old thing???"

IMG_2014What were they thinking in this moment?

IMG_2046 Then things got nuts when hostesses Countess LuAnn de Lesseps and Lisa Lampanelli arrived. The clusterfuck around these women and guest Jerry Springer was a nightmare! I mean, Downtown groupies with cameras were unselfconsciously elbowing me to get their shots. But it was unnecessary as all of the stars were beyond accessible and gracious, posing for like an hour, even when they got frighteningly cornered on the second floor.

IMG_2043Three girls three

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Aug 05 2011
On My Marry Way: GLAAD's Party For The Summer Of Love That Dare Not Speak Its Name Comments (4)

1This was my birth weight. More hot boys after the jump...

I almost didn't go to GLAAD's big bash in honor of New York's marriage-equality victory on Tuesday sponsored by ROKK Vodka, Delta and FV Events, but was drawn in at the last second and wound up having so much fun I almost put a ring on it.

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