1 posts categorized "ROBERT PATTINSON"

Feb 10 2015
Need To Know: Uncle Thomas Gives Up + Sweet Homo Alabama + GETTING ON & On + Beck & Call + Madonna Best To First + MORE! Comments (0)

*widget boy cultureWhy same-sex marriage will probably be legal in every state in June.

*widget boy culture(Thanks, Gavin Newsom.)

*widget boy cultureWhy Alabama is run by shitkicking Neanderthals.

*widget boy cultureLesbian couple murdered by US Coast Guard worker.

*widget boy cultureGetting On renewed!

*widget boy cultureShe wanted Charles Manson for his (dead) body.

*widget boy cultureRosie O'Donnell is leaving The View due to her health.

*widget boy cultureThis is funnier than 50 Shades of Grey is sexy.

*widget boy cultureKim Kardashian loved 50 Shades of Grey, her husband hated Beck.

*widget boy cultureRob Pattinson takes on James Dean.

*widget boy cultureMadonna's Grammy perfs, ranked.

*widget boy cultureA buncha boys getting frisky in the locker room here.