12 posts categorized "RYAN LOCHTE"

Aug 07 2016
HEAT INDEX — Great Gifts Of Tonga + More Olympic Gold + HAMILTON's Hottie + Cristiano Ronaldo + Justin Bieber + Orlando Bloom + Sausage Party + Instahotties + Serious Gains! Comments (0)

Tumblr_obgth5zLoy1rsp72ro2_r1_500(GIF via BBC)

ABOVE: Here's a nice GIF of Tonga's now-famous Pita Taufatofua.

TONGA, TOO: Out Olympic swimmer Amini Fonua, also Tongan: 



A video posted by Amini Fonua (@aminifonua) on

GOING FOR GOLD: Phelps & Lochte shirtless. Plus, tons more hot Olympians.

NIPPLE-CRISPING: Cristiano Ronaldo suns his areolas.

HISTORY-IN-THE-MAKING: Meet Hamilton's hot, HIV+, gay new lead!

Javier(Video still via CBS)

BIEBER UNCUT: Actually, cut. But you know what I mean. (Work Unfriendly)

ORLANDO, THE SEQUEL: Bloom's booty, his frisky times with Katy Perry.

SIDE OF SAUSAGE: Speedo-wearer, sunnyside up.

CAUGHT UNAWARES: 2,400+ hot guys on the streets of NYC.


Aug 02 2016
6-PACK — Election Rigged! + Trump's Summer Slump + Stein = Nuts + Lochte's Speedo + Rubio's Insult To LGBTQ People + Bendy Boys! Comments (0)

*widget boy cultureABOVE: Trump's already claiming the election will be rigged against him.

*widget boy cultureHillary gets a nice bounce post-DNC. Leads by as much as 9. Trump's RNC a “historic dud.”

*widget boy cultureDangerous flake Jill Stein is anti-vaxxer-friendly, and now questions WiFi.

August-2016-mag-cover(Image via Outside)

*widget boy cultureRyan Lochte's itsy-bitsy Speedo makes its return, plus Ryan's dyed his hair icy blue.

*widget boy cultureHappy 2-month Pulse anniversary! Sen. Rubio will headline anti-LGBT event to commemorate it.

*widget boy cultureCheck out the USA Men's Gymnastics Team—shockingly, all have hot bods.

Enhanced-18296-1453228308-7(Image via Instagram)

Sep 01 2014
Need To Know: A More Perfect Union Speech + Queer As A $2 Bill + Papa Joe Simpson Must Be Squealing + Jennifer Lawrence's Naked Ambition + MORE! Comments (0)

*widget boy cultureABOVE: Veep Biden gives 'em hell on the subject of unions on Labor Day.

*widget boy cultureLGBT leader alleges rape during reparative therapy as a teen.

*widget boy cultureBecause a totally free BJ would just seem suspicious.

*widget boy cultureLooks like Michael Sam is dunzo.

*widget boy cultureCALL ME MISS MOM-IN-LAW: Ashlee Simpson is Diana Ross's daughter-in-law.

*widget boy cultureRyan Lochte strips to the waist, devours his b'day cake.

*widget boy cultureEvery famous young piece of ass in the world just had their nude selfies leaked...

*widget boy culture...and Kate Upton is suing-mad over it...and Lena Dunham reviles “sex offender.”

*widget boy cultureLet freedom (nipple) ring.

*widget boy cultureAssaulted and disowned by parents, gay youth speaks out.

*widget boy cultureRick Perry can't control his own Twitter, wants to be president.

*widget boy cultureLeslie Jordan did not love Gary Busey on Celebrity Big Brother UK.

*widget boy cultureFUNNY GIRL: Audrey Hepburn's most perfect autograph.

*widget boy cultureWoman claims to be 127 years old. Lost her birth certificate...

*widget boy cultureYou better believe a Rivers Family lawsuit is coming, Yorkville Endoscopy.

*widget boy cultureJoan Rivers 12 hours before she stopped breathing, “I could die any second!”

JoanriversHelen Keller's revenge (oh, c'mon, she'd laugh, too)

May 06 2014
Your Nightly Briefing Comments (0)


Via Underwear Expert: Ryan Lochte in CK.