18 posts categorized "SARAH JESSICA PARKER"

Jul 09 2019
Saved By An Olympian + Gay Marriage For N. Ireland + Minaj Backs Out + McConnell's Worst Nightmare + Sam Harris's Gay Doc + MORE! —12-PACK Comments (0)

ABOVE: I can see his bag!

BELOW: Keep reading for the stud who saved a gay newlywed's life, Minaj backs out, Sam Harris's new movie, another egotist running for prez and more...

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May 06 2019
Madonna, Andy Cohen & More Honored At GLAAD MEDIA AWARDS; Queen Of Pop Urges Everyone To Give Back, But Never Give Up Comments (0)

IMG_1032Unyielding advocate for personal power and giving back (All images by Matthew Rettenmund)

I bought my ticket for the 30th GLAAD Media Awards upon learning that Madonna would be honored there as a tireless Advocate for Change, a much-needed reboot of our appreciation for all she's done for LGBTQ people over the years.

I always cover the carpet, but figured she would not walk — and was right — so wanted to be sure I had a nice spot inside.

IMG_4044Getting with the programs

In the meantime, sadly, one of my dogs has been caught in a life-or-death health battle, so I thought I'd have to pass up the awards. As it turned out, he was in good hands Saturday, so I was able to take a breath, Screen Shot 2019-05-06 at 11.56.56 AMgo and enjoy a very memorable night.

Pictured with my longtime buddy Lav ->

I did the carpet with my old friend Peter Dee, who manned the Q&A part while I filmed. (It's Boy Culture, not Dad Culture.) I wore my familiar CK jacket but accessorized with a vintage Madonna purse to hold my video cam.

The carpet's always fun — you're stressed out that you don't deserve to be next to major news orgs, then overhear that they'd accidentally been recording their interviews on slow-mo, or that someone will IMG_4046hog too much time with the best gets, leaving you with the dregs, then find out the ones you really want have no problem circling back to you anyway.

My own snafu — my video sometimes records with all the audio pitched to one side, not stereo. And I can't figure it out. So watch our supercut of snippets from Shangela (she tackles MAYOchella), Gus Kenworthy (got to say hello to his boyf Matt Wilkas), May Hong of Tales of the City, the Pose cast, Trace Lysette and Alexandra Billings of Transparent, Yuval David (Madam Secretary), Jonathan Van Ness, Sonja Morgan, Adam Rippon, Benito Skinner and more ... but do so with one ear:

With the carpet behind me, I dashed inside to find I was seated at a great table, where I met the owners of the Stonewall Inn. (We also had a Jennifer Coolidge caricature at the table who was apparently a Trumper, as she loudly complained about a very pregnant Chelsea Clinton's passionate speech about tolerance.


IMG_0966The dress was exquisitely, appropriately over-the-top-and-beyond ...

The show was one of GLAAD's best, with participation from the Pose cast, Rachel Brosnahan, and a hilarious presentation by Sarah Jessica Parker of the Vito Russo Award to Andy Cohen, who she teased for his younger wild ways. Shangela was a most capable hostess. One could even say she had the mostess.

I realized right away my camera gave me carte blanche, so I went from table to table getting lovely posed pics of Sarah Jessica Parker and Anderson Cooper, Sarah Jessica Parker and Andy Cohen, Rosie O'Donnell and more.

Screen Shot 2019-05-06 at 1.26.24 AMI was thrilled with my SJP shots

When Madonna strolled into the banquet room about 25 minutes before her presentation and took a seat, shielding her eyes with red sunglasses, I did not hesitate. I was the first photographer to approach and politely ask for a shot. She turned her head and said, “Nope, nope, nope.” Asked and answered!

IMG_1134Yes, Madonna got teary-eyed.

Still, I was able to park by the stage, so I got excellent close-ups when she was affectionately lampooned by Shangela (in a cone bra) and celebrated by Anderson Cooper, Rosie O'Donnell and queer rapper Mykki Blanco. Taking the stage to the strains of her new empowerment anthem “I Rise,” Madonna gave a lovely, funny, bittersweet speech, in which she thanked Christopher Flynn, Keith Haring and her best friend Martin Burgoyne for helping to form her values, remembering through some tears the plague years, when she went to St. Vincent's and embraced dying men in their beds to give them humanity. 

Screen Shot 2019-05-06 at 1.16.54 AMAt Madonna's feet

She spoke of her refusal to turn her back on marginalized people, promising to never let her LGBTQ fans down.

IMG_1077The gays — including actual gay Gus Kenworthy & honorary gay SJP back there — watching Madonna speak

She was most emotional when talking about how her commitment to fighting AIDS led her to champion Malawi, from which she adopted four of her six kids.

IMG_1197Like it or not ...

For comedy, Madonna recalled making Truth or Dare and having had no idea it would inspire men to come out as gay, let alone suck off so many Evian bottles.

Best of all, Madonna delivered a rousing reminder that we need to be who we are, whether people like it or not. She raised two middle fingers as she made this evergreen pronouncement, which came minutes after she'd pledged $25,000 to GLAAD during an auction run by celebrity benefit auctioneer Erin Ward that evening.

Madonna's gratitude to gay men in particular (no mention of her gay, estranged bro Christopher Ciccone) was palpable, her wit was in good order and she was, as ever, unready to back down from anyone or anything.

IMG_1208Wrapping up

I also loved her use of a James Baldwin quote about how we don't own anything, but are mere shepherds of our talents — and we owe it to everyone to give back.

All this, and she was 15 feet away from me!

IMG_1259Madonna was feeling both Rosie and Shangela — and Shangela had made fun of her cone bra!

After that, she sneaked back through the stage and vanished, hand-in-hand with Rosie O'Donnell, but everyone else stayed and after-partied. She had, after all, told us in parting that Madame X is a freedom fighter, and a freedom fighter's work is never done.

Check out a chunk of Madonna's speech here:

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Jan 04 2018
Sam Smith On New Love, New Album: WITH THIS RECORD, I BECAME A GAY MAN Comments (0)

Sam-Smith-2018-V-Magazine-Cover-Photo-Shoot-001Freedom (Image by Nicola Formichetti for V)

Sam Smith is opening up, and who better to open up to than Sarah Jessica Parker?! That's when you know you've made it as a gay man in entertainment, when V hires SJP to pump you.

In the interview, Smith talks about the ups and downs of fame, and of having to endure media spankings when he said or did things people misconstrued:

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Oct 02 2017
Naked Came The A-Teen + CDC: Undetectable = Untransmittable + SATC3 Backups + Mia's Son Bashes Her + Is Vegas Shooter A TERRORIST? + Shooter's Brother: HE PLAYED VIDEO POKER — 6-PACK! Comments (0)

Screen-Shot-2017-10-02-at-5.50.13-PMYou can't get HIV from a POZ person who is undetectable.

Though many other sources have asserted this for some time, the CDC is finally on board.

Read about that and more of the day's hottest links, including a naked A-Teen (pictured), the debate over what to call the Las Vegas shooter, how to shoot Sex and the City 3 without Kim Cattrall, Mia Farrow's son's new allegations and more ...

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Sep 29 2017
Pietro Boselli Airs His Dirty Laundry + SEX AND THE CITY Lies In Dust + Pro Athlete's Jaw-Dropping Nude + GOLDEN Nuggets + HOCUS POCUS Remake + Sad News From Julia Louis-Dreyfus — 6-PACK! Comments (0)

Screen Shot 2017-09-28 at 10.21.06 PMThe strip-naked-in-a-laundromat routine has been done 1,000 times, but never by Pietro Boselli.

Until now.

Keep reading to watch this tease strip and to check out more of the day's hottest links, including Sex and the City 3 news, a nude pro jock, a review of the Golden Girls Café and more ...

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Aug 10 2017
Opposite SEX & THE CITY Comments (0)

Screen Shot 2017-08-10 at 8.43.20 PMMost of us have fond memories of Sex and the City, a sitcom that broke all the rules and became a younger The Golden Girls for a generation.

Now, because what else are we supposed to do as we await WWIII, one man is recreating some of Carrie Bradshaw/Sarah Jessica Parker's best looks and moments via his creation: Carrie Dragshaw.

Keep reading to check him (and her) out ...

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May 05 2015
Need To Know: Collage Of Consent + Shaved Pussy + Met Ball Double-Takes + Wrestlemania + Texas Justice + MORE! Comments (0)


*widget boy cultureHot collage boy!

*widget boy cultureCheck out this Grindr pussy!

*widget boy cultureBoycotting Reisner & Weiderpass is a watershed moment.

*widget boy cultureMadonna lost her Moschino gown for some hip-HOTpants.

*widget boy cultureThe expression on SJP's face is just ... priceless.

*widget boy cultureIs Rihanna's gown cheesy?

*widget boy cultureMiley Cyrus flaunts mother-of-pearl hair.

*widget boy cultureSolange Knowles looks ... interesting.

*widget boy cultureMelissa Rivers says her mom's death was “100% preventable.”

*widget boy cultureHot wrestler action!


*widget boy cultureTexas terrorist was on watch list for years. UN chief condemns.

*widget boy cultureFox News quisling Guy Benson is gay, but doesn't care about gay rights.

*widget boy cultureFirst gay kiss on Dodgers kiss-cam!

*widget boy cultureBy now you've heard: Charlotte Elizabeth Diana.

*widget boy cultureBrett Chukerman (even if you don't know him) looks good nekkid.

*widget boy cultureEllen Albertini Down, whose career started in her 70s, dies @ 101.

Tumblr_mdfs02d3361qki66fo1_500I also remember her from episodes of The Golden Girls and Seinfeld.

Jun 20 2014
Need To Know: Such A Mug + American Sicko + Iraq War Of Words + Wrestling Meat + Danza Fanza + Crooked Governor + INTO THE G-Rated WOODS + Grady Sizemore, More, More + MORE! Comments (0)


*widget boy cultureWomen sliding off their seats over sexy mug shot.

*widget boy cultureTaylor Lautner shirtless, minus the 'roids. HOT!

*widget boy culturePerv-in-chief Dov Charney of American Apparel ousted.

*widget boy cultureR. Kelly & Lady Gaga's dumped video was “literally an ad for rape.” Madonna-Evita

*widget boy cultureObama weighs limited military intervention in Iraq.

*widget boy cultureSen. Boxer (D-Calif.) rips Sen. McCain (R-Ariz.) on Iraq.

*widget boy cultureAlan Parker refers to Madonna in Evita as “a compromise...”

*widget boy culture...but wanted her in The Blue Angel opposite De Niro.

*widget boy cultureNew face of Madonna's Material Girl is Disney's Zendaya.

*widget boy cultureObama cuts off Uganda for draconian anti-gay laws.

*widget boy cultureHot-as-hell wrestler.

*widget boy cultureWho's Afraid of Vagina Wolf? is a real movie title. Not porn.

*widget boy cultureRestoration Hardware is sending around a 17-pound catalog!

*widget boy cultureColdplay's “A Sky Full of Stars” video.

*widget boy cultureSarah Jessica Parker slays on Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee.

*widget boy cultureAll the hottest Grady Sizemore photos.

*widget boy cultureRick Perry regrets gay = alcoholic comment.

*widget boy cultureNY State Sen. Ruben Diaz (D!) thinks Satan runs schools.

*widget boy cultureDiaz is a total Tony Danza fanboy.

*widget boy cultureChurro ice cream sandwiches for all!

*widget boy culture(No) Surprise: Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) was accused of being a crook.

*widget boy cultureDisney's Into the Woods will be family-friendly.

*widget boy cultureMeryl Streep to be Maria Callas in the Mike Nichols HBO version of Master Class.

Maria-Callas-Meryl-StreepMaria...you oughtta see her...