2 posts categorized "SCOTT EVANS"

Apr 24 2018
Oh, Brothers: Scott Evans & Chris Evans Answer Trivia About Each Other Comments (0)

Screen Shot 2018-04-24 at 6.30.09 PM(Video still via Late Night with Seth Meyers)

This is adorable — the Evans brothers know each other really, really well ...

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Apr 03 2014
Need To Know: Here Comes The Judd, Gravity Levity, Groupie Sex, Nun Nonsense + MORE! Comments (0)


*widget boy cultureMcFly's Harry Jud has the perfect body, isn't shy to go nude. SUPERMAN

*widget boy cultureAlternate ending to Sandra Bullock's earnest Gravity.

*widget boy cultureJames Franco was dying to bang a 17-year-old fan.

*widget boy cultureScott & Chris Evans are double the trouble.

*widget boy cultureAnother Fort Hood shooting claims multiple lives. HarveyMilkStamp

*widget boy cultureBreitbart writer calls for Americans to commit genocide.

*widget boy cultureHarvey Milk U.S. postage stamp unveiled.

*widget boy culturePremature (?) Lady Gaga obit.

*widget boy cultureHedy Lamarr & son on To Tell the Truth, complete with ads.

*widget boy cultureNebraskan high schooler will get to read his pro-gay speech after all. Vtcn-radio

*widget boy cultureNew college prez is a Confederate. It's still 2014.

*widget boy cultureVTCAN RADIO's "Riddle Song" is a true enigma.

*widget boy cultureModel Louis Lemaire is stuh-RIKING.

*widget boy cultureA shirtless Brian Shimansky is, too.

*widget boy cultureShe was a star's personal assistant...and it sucked.

*widget boy cultureIf J.O. made you gay, I'd be having sex with even more straight men.

*widget boy cultureGwyneth & Scott had an open marriage.

*widget boy cultureReal Housewives Sonja & LuAnn are like Laurel & Hardy, with no fat one:

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