10 posts categorized "SEAN HANNITY"

Jan 04 2017
6-PACK — Oh, Mighty ISIS + Trump Blows Off Intel, Blows Assange + Schumer's SCOTUS Gauntlet + Dustin McNeer's A Bargain At Any Price + The Somers Of Our Discontent + No-Gay Thursday Assault Case Settled! Comments (0)

Screen Shot 2017-01-04 at 10.11.10 AM(Video still via Bruised Fruit)

WIDGETTWISTED SISTERS: The Real Housewives of ISIS — you'll die laughing. In real life: ISIS hurting financially, can still blow us up on the cheap.

WIDGETTrump blows off all U.S. intel, but buys every word Julian Assange says. Hannity now sucking Assange's cock, too.

WIDGETUsually a dealmaker, Chuck Schumer is talking tough on any potential SCOTUS nominee.

WIDGETThis is something I can get behind: A true beauty, and he's all furry. This guy's thighs = swoon. (Work Unfriendly) Was Dustin McNeer selling this online:

Screen Shot 2017-01-04 at 10.37.00 AM(Video still via Tumblr @mytrees2012)

WIDGETThe one where Suzanne Somers is our new Ann Miller.

WIDGETHigh school jocks accused of sexually assaulting “cocky” teammate with broom handle on “No-Gay Thursday” settle

Oct 06 2016
6-PACK — Continue Dancing, Singing, Getting Up And Doing Your Thing + Rosie vs. Ivanka + Michelle's Mic-Drop Moment + Gary Nader + Hannity vs. Kelly + Loretta Sanchez's Unfortunate Dab! Comments (0)

*widget boy cultureHappy 34th birthday, “Everybody” — Madonna's first single!

*widget boy cultureRosie O'Donnell bumped into Ivanka Trump, they had words, Rosie thanked her for listening.

*widget boy cultureMichelle Obama teases Donald Trump over his “my mic was bad!” bitchin'.

*widget boy cultureIf Hillary loses Florida or New Hampshire, blame Gary Johnson and his idiotic supporters.

*widget boy cultureSean Hannity accuses colleague Megyn Kelly of being in the tank for Hillary—though he's in the tank for Trump.

*widget boy cultureLoretta Sanchez did the dab at the end of a fiery debate with Kamala Harris in their senatorial debate: