ABOVE: C. Thomas Howell's butt was unsurpassed. Follow me here!
Bonus hot guy of the day is DEWEY MARTIN. (Image via movie still)
BELOW: Keep reading for Syria, Judy Garland, naked guys and more...
ABOVE: C. Thomas Howell's butt was unsurpassed. Follow me here!
Bonus hot guy of the day is DEWEY MARTIN. (Image via movie still)
BELOW: Keep reading for Syria, Judy Garland, naked guys and more...
ABOVE: Dermot Mulroney for the win.
BELOW: Keep reading for more Kamala endorsements, Michael Henry as Divine and more ...
Above: I hope you already know about Matt Skrincosky, one of the best-looking and biggest-hearted guys in NYC. If you don't, investigate. And help him out!
Tom Steyer, a California billionaire, is self-funding NeedToImpeach.com, an effort to shame Republican lawmakers into admitting that Trump has committed multiple impeachable offenses and is a danger to the U.S.
Keep reading for his first ad, plus other hot links of the day — a man who gives his sperm to people as readily as a handshake, Kit Williamson speaking out on Hollywood's gay sexual harassment, the death of Fats Domino and more ...
A new study of 361 men from Canada and France suggests that taking two doses of Truvada for PrEP from 2 to 24 hours before intercourse, another 24 hours later and a fourth dose 24 hours after that dramatically reduced the risk of HIV transmission. Just as with men on PrEP daily, the rate of protection was found to be 97%.
Keep reading for info on this study, plus hot links regarding Anthony Scaramucci, Republicans who want to stall our 2020 election, Chelsea Manning and a video of Corey Feldman attacking his fans ...