9 posts categorized "SOUTH AFRICA"

May 06 2014
Need To Know: Boner Juggler Is Multi-Tasker, Drag (Disg)Race, Clay Aiken To Win, Royal Air, Willow's Dirty Pillows + MORE! Comments (0)

Jamie-Stroud-Chip-TannerOne-trick pony

*widget boy cultureSexy boner-juggler Jamie Stroud is sexy porn actor Chip Tanner.

*widget boy cultureSteve Wiles, a Democratic drag queen turned anti-gay Republican, loses NC primary. Derrick-Gordon-Gerald-McCullouch

*widget boy cultureClay Aiken in close NC primary race—leading by less than 1%.

*widget boy cultureDaddy: The Movie producer dating 22-y.o. Derrick Gordon.

*widget boy cultureSouth Africa wages war on anti-gay and gender-based violence.

*widget boy culture3-minute time-lapse film of L.A. is breathtakingAlig

*widget boy cultureRather amazing short film on female body hair.

*widget boy culturePhilly man beaten to death by Grindr trick.

*widget boy cultureJames St. James's open letter to freed killer Michael Alig.

*widget boy cultureClick here if you care about queer books.

*widget boy cultureAnti-feminist Shailene Woodley is incest-curious.

*widget boy cultureDonald Sterling's side-piece V Stiviano is a grifter.

*widget boy cultureWillow Smith, 13, in bed with actor, 20. Just...in bed.

*widget boy cultureDustin Lance Black will speak at alma mater after all.

*widget boy cultureMadonna's crazy? Prince won't even swear anymore!

*widget boy cultureObama & Dems' polling ticks upward.

*widget boy culture“Gone” was for Michael Jackson, not *NSYNC.

*widget boy culturePrince William flew coach.

*widget boy cultureJon Hamm worked in the porn biz, calls it “soul-crushing.”