1 posts categorized "STELLE"

Feb 09 2017
6-PACK — FEUDal Resistance + Jackie O's Heart + Trump Latest Anti-Gay Pick + Sessions Wins + Madonna's Quest For Kids + Just (Don't) Dance! Comments (0)

Screen Shot 2017-02-09 at 11.02.14 AM(Video still via FX)

WIDGETWhatever you think about Sarandon as Bette Davis and Lange as Crawford, nobody can get behind Catherine Zeta-Jones as de Havilland!

WIDGETNewly discovered Jackie O love letters “filled with anguish and a touch of cruelty.”

WIDGETAnti-gay lawyer who defended Prop. 8 before SCOTUS likely Trump's pick for solicitor general. Tell me about how pro-gay Trump is.

WIDGETRacist dick Sen. Jeff Sessions confirmed as A.G. in 52/47 Senate vote, one of the closest ever for a Cabinet position. Five ways he can have a big impact.

WIDGETWhy Madonna adopted kid #5 & kid #6.

WIDGETREAL-LIFE FOOTLOOSE: Oklahoma townies ban school dance for being too close to a church.