1 posts categorized "STEPHEN HAWKING"

Jun 01 2016
6-PACK/politics — Sanders Admits System Isn't RIGGED, Just DUMB + Hillary Zaps Trump On Shameless Veteran-Donations Debacle + Hawking Brands Trump A DEMAGOGUE + Billy Joel Lightly Mocks Trump, Receives Thanks + Mr. French + Trans Victory! Comments (0)

*widget boy cultureSanders walks back idea the Democratic primary is “rigged”: “[N]ot rigged. I think it’s just a dumb process which has certainly disadvantaged our campaign.”

*widget boy cultureHillary Clinton dings Trump on his embarrassing military-veteran donation gaffe—half of his donations were sent the day he was shamed over it.

*widget boy cultureStephen Hawking calls Trump a “demagogue” who appeals to “the lowest common denominator.” Trump is dying to mock his physical limitations, call him a loser.

*widget boy cultureI think Billy Joel's a dick anyway, but taking Trump in such a lighthearted way and dedicating—I get it, sarcastically—a song to him is annoying. Trump isn't entertaining.

*widget boy cultureDavid French seems to be the conservative who will run as an Independent to help defeat Trump. Mitt Romney likes what he sees so far.

*widget boy cultureVICTOR/VICTORY!: The 4th Circuit Court of Appeals refused to hear a case that led to the Depts. of Justice & Education to issue guidance on dealing with trans students.