13 posts categorized "TAIWAN"

Dec 12 2016
6-PACK — Fairy Christmas! + Trump: Ass Of The Year + Starring Kate McKinnon + Dominic/Sub + Taiwanese Gay-Marriage Rally + Patti Smith's A HARD RAIN'S A-GONNA FALL Comments (0)

WIDGETVia OMG Blog: The drag queens who saved Christmas!

WIDGETTrump is annoyed that Time's Person of the Year distinction is not Man of the Year. No, really!

WIDGETKate McKinnon will star in her own big-budget, mainstream movie, a rarity for out performers.

Fatsx750Kate McKinnon's first starring role in a movie will not, FYI, be an adaptation of Dyke & Fats (Video still via NBC)

WIDGETBig-butted Dominic Thiem looking sexy as hell alongside a hot dude.

WIDGET250K show up in favor of same-sex marriage in Taiwan.

WIDGETPatti Smith's performance at the Nobel Prize Award ceremony is moving beyond belief — AFTER THE JUMP ...

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Dec 03 2016
6-PACK — Speedo Machine + Trump's Unfit To Be Tied + Will He Always Be Mariah's Baby? + FIXER UPPER Fix Is In + Pissed-Off Republic Of China + Chris Pratty Fantasy Material! Comments (0)

Jay Wilkison red speedo(Video still by Kenneth Walsh via TV Land)

WIDGETWho is this man, and why was he forced to buy a Speedo out of a vending machine? Whose chest is this?

WIDGETHALF-WINDSOR-GATE: On Donald Trump and his Scotch-taped tie.

WIDGETMariah Carey has a HOT new beau, holds hands with him onstage at VH1 Divas Holiday Unsilent Night taping.

600x600bb-85(Image via HGTV)

WIDGETFixer Upper couple's anti-gay pastor says he isn't anti-gay.

WIDGETChina lodges complaint over Trump's ill-advised, unprecedented call to Taiwan. He's. Not. Even. POTUS. Yet.

WIDGETAfter the jump, Nick Offerman's book contains some erotic illustrations of Chris Pratt ...

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Nov 28 2016
6-PACK — The Long & Long Of It + Taiwanese Marriage-Equality Demonstration + Justice For Gay Man Slurred At Flooring Store + Madonna's Goodies! Comments (0)

Ellis-1(Image via Cosmo UK)

WIDGETUK reality-TV stud Ellis Lacy is inked to death and hung in a way a horse would envy. (Work Unfriendly)

WIDGET10,000 stage pro-gay marriage sit-in in Taiwan.

WIDGETGay man slurred in front of his kid by Floor & Decor employee, customer. Election noted. Employee fired.

Screen Shot 2016-11-28 at 6.26.41 PMJames Shawlin got emotional recalling the slimy insults. (Video still via 9 News)

WIDGETTrump's advisor Steve Bannon is eager to suppress the black vote.

WIDGETEven if you're an atheist, this bible cover feels a little sacrilegious. But at least its shiny!

WIDGETMadonna's auctioning off images & other primo art at her Miami Malawi fundraiser. Rocco still being an asshole.

Screen Shot 2016-11-28 at 6.06.03 PM(Images via Herb Ritts Foundation/Madonna/Raising Malawi)

Feb 05 2016
6-PACK DOUBLE — Now Smear This + Bernie On The Rise + Rubio's Gay Old Time + The Brain Surgeon Has No Clothes + Crazy Little Party Boys + Andy Cohen Threesome + Madonna Drama + MORE! Comments (0)

Screen Shot 2016-02-05 at 1.51.52 PMVideo still from MSNBC video, here

*widget boy cultureHillary hits Bernie's “artful smear,” Bernie hits Hillary on Wall Street, prog cred: debate.

*widget boy cultureBernie within 2 points of Hillary nationally.

*widget boy cultureWomen locked out of Tinder for pushing Sanders on guys.

*widget boy cultureSenate colleagues swiping right on Bernie.

*widget boy cultureMarco Rubio: There's no there there. And he might be gay.

*widget boy cultureCarson is still talking about that damned detour home for clothes! 


commando, no need for Calvin Klein's

A photo posted by Aaron Carter (@aaroncarter) on

*widget boy cultureAaron Carter and Chris Crocker almost kiss on Instagram, all-the-way delete it.

*widget boy cultureAndy Cohen sandwiched between Julian Edelman & Russell Tovey.

*widget boy cultureIndia's Supreme Court coming around on gay rights?

*widget boy cultureAmerica Ferrera gets asked the most outta-touch-white-dude question ever.

*widget boy cultureRIP: Earth, Wind & Fire's Maurice White; Playboy's Katie May; BMXer David Mirra.

*widget boy cultureMadonna's charms lost on Rocco for now, on some Chinese/Taiwanese fans as well. 


Taiwan we Here!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤️#rebelheartour

A photo posted by Madonna (@madonna) on

Jan 16 2016
Need To Know: The Bigger They Are + Set Our People Free + Céline's 2nd Tragedy + Of Female & Male Presidents + Color Me Horny + White-Privilege Meltdown + Still PRETTY IN PINK + MORE! Comments (0)

Screen Shot 2016-01-16 at 2.14.46 PMDo the muscle!

*widget boy cultureVia his Instagram: Billy Reilich could use a spotter. Images

*widget boy cultureObama Administration diplomacy leads to 4 prisoners released by Iran.

*widget boy cultureDOUBLE TRAGEDY: Now Céline Dion's brother has died of cancer.

*widget boy cultureTaiwan's new prez is female, pro-gay.

*widget boy cultureAmerica's wannabe prez Trump is male, anti-gay.

*widget boy cultureX-rated gay coloring book.

*widget boy cultureHillary sits down with The Conversation:

*widget boy cultureBernie Sanders's team stupidly claims copyright infringement over Wikipedia logo use.

*widget boy cultureU.S. Episcopals won't back down on gay marriage.

*widget boy cultureWhite girl kicks black trooper in balls, cries rape (!), doesn't get shot dead.

*widget boy cultureHer husband likes the D, which unnerves her ever so.

*widget boy cultureSam Harris HAMs it up with Extra.

*widget boy cultureOn the Golden Globes, Making a Murderer and a gay Star Wars character.

*widget boy culturePretty in Pink back in theaters.

*widget boy cultureMadonna is a Harper's Bazaar style icon.

*widget boy cultureGo see The Lady Winifred & Didi Show—they're his-n-hers-terical! Images

12419191_487648831438417_1751815659911789894_oThat ain't no lady—that's his wife!