3 posts categorized "TAYLOR KITSCH"

May 26 2014
The Party's Over: A Review Of Ryan Murphy's THE NORMAL HEART Comments (0)

Normal_HeartRuffalo and Bomer's chemistry was authentic.

BOY CULTURE REVIEW: **1/2 out of ****

I feel bad admitting this, but I didn't love Ryan Murphy's The Normal Heart. I think having seen the recent Broadway revival—which along with August: Osage County, is the best straight play I've ever seen—set the bar too high for the HBO version.

But while I was underwhelmed, there was much to admire. Let's get the negatives out of the way first:

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Apr 10 2014
Next: NORMAL Comments (0)


The Hollywood Reporter's story on the it-took-forever-to-make making of HBO's The Normal Heart is fascinating and complete, filled with Streisand and Kramer dish.

Now, can someone please make a movie out of Faggots?

Mar 05 2014
Need To Know: All Mears, Kitsch-Kitsch-Kitsch, Tru Blue, Vlad The Invader, Drastic Plastic + MORE! Comments (0)

Chris-MearsTaking a dive

Boy-CultureChris Mears shucks most of his clothes for Winq.

Boy-CultureTaylor Kitsch is openly gay. It's on the Internet, so it must be true.

Boy-Culture"When I'm single, I don't bareback on purpose usually." Best Truvada read ever. 6a00d83451b8c369e201347ff749cd970c-150wi

Boy-CultureGood news on Truvada.

Boy-CultureHillary (correctly) compares Putin to Hilter.

Boy-CultureMANNEQUIN, TOO: This bitch is crazy. And I love her for it.

Boy-CultureBlake Skjellerup sweetly fanboys out on Jason Collins.

Boy-CultureNick chick blasts Disney tune to get through racy-pix scandal.

Boy-CultureLiza bounced back nicely from Ellen's misfired joke.

Boy-CultureBieber's such a dick, how will they know what to black out?

Boy-CultureIf watching Glee makes you want to kill someone, this is the movie for you.

Boy-CultureIf you noticed Kim Novak looked different, you're a bad person.

Boy-CultureBrett Favre looks really different now. (Is it okay to say that?)

Boy-CulturePope Francis thinks the Catholic Church has done lots against pedophilia.

Boy-CultureSORRY/NOT SORRY: Trohn Javolta understands that he murdered...that girl's...name.

Boy-CultureKirk Cousins thinks Michael Sam needs Jesus, thinks Mary Magdalene was a hooker.