ABOVE: Poor guy forgot to do up his pants.
ABOVE: Poor guy forgot to do up his pants.
Playwright Mart Crowley appeared for the final bows
Take a bow — the boys of The Boys in the Band (Images from audience member in mezzanine)
It took The Boys in the Band 50 years to get to Broadway, and it took me nearly as long to get into the pre-opening after-party ... but I did.
Huge Recap of the Original The Boys in the Band — HERE!
I impulsively bought one of the last tickets for Wednesday's 7 p.m. performance (I had already seen the first preview April 30), scoring one with an empty seat on one side of me and two empty seats on the other. (There were only seven empty seats in the house; not surprising since the show's official opening night is tonight, which is probably the night fans targeted, thinking it would be the star-studded choice.)
Tina Fey brilliantly lampoons Trump's “both sides” B.S. with an ode to “sheetcaking,” which is going to set the Internet — and no crosses — ablaze.
Hilariously, early on, Tina says, “I've seen Raiders of the Lost Ark and I wasn't confused by it.” She also calls out “Yard-Sale Barbie,” Ann Coulter, and asks, “Who drove the car into the crowd? Hillary's emails?”
Keep watching to see Tina obliterate Trump, Nazis and a whole cake ...
She's back! Ann-Margret returns to the silver screen in @GoingInStyle and is more vibrant than ever. https://t.co/uMcp9JLerz pic.twitter.com/QpBw2Tjg8U
— Inside Edition (@InsideEdition) April 1, 2017
The New York Times: Ann-Margret is making her movie comeback, and she's got Selena Gomez's hips!
Huff Post: Tina Fey isn't letting white women get away with voting for Trump and ignoring the consequences.
Kenneth in the (212): A new gay bar is moving in where G used to be in NYC!
WeAreGreenBay: Gay man who lived through random bashing is now stabbed to death — could it be a hate crime?
Joe.My.God.: Pat McCrory is LAUGHING AT US.
Instagram @gia_gunn: RDR vet Gia Gunn comes out as trans.
George MacKay's butt. (Work Unfriendly)
Sarah Paulson is “absolutely” in love with Holland Taylor.
More like this at Wicked Gay Blog. (Image via Wicked Gay Blog)
Tina Fey thought the Oscars had a lot of “Hollywood bullshit.”
Gee, I hope Twinks for Trump is bad humor:
Meet Greg: "Sure, Trump will probably try to deport a ton of people. But more tables at brunch, right?" pic.twitter.com/SuQnkW4d9g
— Twinks 4 Trump (@twinksfortrump) March 3, 2016
Gil Hill (Beverly Hills Cop franchise) dies, Tony Burton (Rocky franchise dies).
Who'd you rather: Ben Affleck or Henry Cavill?
(Covers via Entertainment Weekly)
Tina Fey and Amy Poehler returned to SNL last night, bringing with them their most famous political impressions—Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton. This led to an A Christmas Carol-esque situation, with Hillary 2008 (Poehler) advising Hillary 2015 (Kate McKinnon), with Palin playing the role of spoiler.
And this is the impressive pep talk Palin had for the Hillarys:
Now here's my advice: Ya gotta do what ya believe in your spirit, but also: America. But not teachers and their fat, liberal books, but also. And even, why worry about fast-food wages with their status quo, which is another Latin word — 'status quo.' Meanwhile, Americans are bein' taken for a ride, and also, the man can only ride you when your back is bent, so ...
The real Palin may want to consider hiring Fey as her speechwriter; it's nonsense, but it's still better than her usual fare.