13 posts categorized "TRAYVON MARTIN"

Sep 20 2016
6-PACK — Warren Warrin' On Trump + Clinton & Trump's Must-Win States + Trump's Horrendous Skittles Analogy + Batman For Hillary + Ever Wanted To Hit James Franco? + Sickening Video: Terence Crutcher Comments (0)

*widget boy cultureABOVE: Sen. Elizabeth Warren nails Donald Trump on his repeated calls for his supporters to get violent.

*widget boy cultureHere are the most important states for Clinton and Trump, respectively to win in order to take the White House.

*widget boy cultureTrump Jr. uses Skittles to explain why we shouldn't take in any Syrian refugees. SKITTLES. Trayvon, much?!

*widget boy cultureVoice of Batman, Kevin Conroy, trashes Trump, will vote for Hillary.

Screen-Shot-2016-09-19-at-1.26.00-PM-300x170(Video still via Killer Films)

*widget boy cultureJames Franco begs to be punched in new Goat clip.

*widget boy cultureI don't care if you're related to cops, the slaying of Terence Crutcher is why POC and those who care about them are protesting:

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May 22 2016
6-PACK — The $80K Gay Kiss + Military Meat + Hillary Dwarfs Trump + LGBT History In The Making In Dallas + Zimmerman's Gun Auction Slays + TSA Report! Comments (0)

*widget boy cultureLesbians wrongfully arrested for kissing in Honolulu have settled their lawsuit for $80K.

*widget boy cultureInsanely adorable military dude! Also, this tall, lean looker ain't half bad, either.

*widget boy cultureHillary Clinton's campaign infrastructure is 10X the size of Tiny Hands Trump's. Let's hope it helps.

 Hillary Clinton will start with a huge infrastructure advantage over Trump https://t.co/VyKK8da9Zh | AP Photo pic.twitter.com/L1x96tVz6l

*widget boy cultureCheck out the new Resource Center for LGBT people in Dallas, located in landmark building.

*widget boy cultureGeorge Zimmerman sells gun he used to murder Travyon Martin for $250,000.

*widget boy cultureMy experience at O'Hare with the TSA on Saturday: Insanely long lines, but I did get through quickly:

Feb 23 2016
6-PACK — Spike Lee Feels The Bern + Will Sanders Fight On Post-March 15? + Trayvon & Garner's Moms Stump For Hillary + Carson Plays Race Card On Obama + Bob Dole For Rubio + Cruz Wants To Deport 12 Million! Comments (0)

*widget boy culturePro-Bernie Spike, saying system is “rigged,” urges: “Wake up. Wake up, South Carolina!”

*widget boy cultureThe Bern may already be over, likely to be practically over March 15. Goes on?

*widget boy cultureMoms of Trayvon Martin & Eric Garner stump for Hillary.

*widget boy cultureBen Carson sniffs that Obama was “raised white.”

*widget boy cultureBob Dole is alive, endorses Rubio.

*widget boy cultureTed Cruz dead-seriously wants to deport 12 million immigrants.

Screen Shot 2016-02-23 at 1.00.09 PM(Video still via FOX News)

Feb 13 2016
Erica Garner Endorses Bernie Sanders In Powerful New Ad Comments (0)

Screen Shot 2016-02-13 at 3.25.03 PMImage via Bernie Sanders

The daughter and the granddaughter of Eric Garner—whose “I can't breathe” death at the hands of the NYPD outraged all rational human beings—appear in a long, powerful new ad on behalf of the Bernie Sanders campaign.

In the ad, Erica Garner says:

I'm behind anyone who's gonna listen and speak up for us ... and I think we need to believe in a leader like Bernie Sanders.

Support for Hillary Clinton vs. support for Bernie Sanders among prominent black figures is generally fairly easy to categorize, with more establishment-oriented figures and older figures and women backing Hillary and more activist and younger figures backing Sanders. Even within Garner's own family there is a schism—his mother, Erica Garner's grandmother, is campaigning for Hillary.

Keep reading to see the ad ...

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Sep 29 2015
Need To Know: Drip, Drip, Drip + Sam's Song + Glasnost Didn't Take + Trump Dynasty + Hard-On To Hard-On + Grace Jones: Top + MORE! Comments (0)

Tumblr_m21ctxirYE1qm6sfao1_500But what about the space mod-u-la-tor?

*widget boy cultureStrong possibility of life on Mars—announcement. Images

*widget boy cultureMichael Sam says coming out hurt his NFL career, but has no regrets.

*widget boy cultureStonewall sinks like a brick at the B.O.

*widget boy cultureTHE BIG CHILL: Obama & Putin meet.

*widget boy cultureCruz is persona non grata in the Senate.

*widget boy cultureDuck Dynasty dipshit digs The Donald.

*widget boy cultureMatt Damon says gay actors might wanna stay closeted.

*widget boy cultureGay Hart to Hart is coming. Next, please: A dyked-up Kate & Allie.

*widget boy cultureHoly cow, this pic of a dude in his undies is POV heaven.

*widget boy cultureGeorge Zimmerman proudly re-tweets pic of Trayvon's corpse.

*widget boy cultureWhite-supremacy buff wants to be House Majority Leader.

*widget boy cultureHis short-shorts could NOT be tighter.

*widget boy cultureGrace Jones: “I want to fuck every man in the ass!” Images


*widget boy cultureSome of my blog readers probably feel this way about Madonna.

*widget boy culturePaul Walker's daughter files wrongful-death suit.

*widget boy cultureHot sk8er boi.

*widget boy cultureThis guy's booty is SICK.

*widget boy cultureDo NOT call this actress “Mom.”

*widget boy cultureThick and hot dude.

*widget boy cultureThe “Log Lady” from Twin Peaks has died of cancer.

*widget boy cultureScream Queens sucks, but man is Lucien Laviscount fine. Images

Screen Shot 2015-09-29 at 12.55.23 AMI'm screaming over this, queens!

Aug 18 2015
Need To Know: Racy Behavior + Unfashionably Bitchy + Rugby Hunk's Naked Honesty + Zacwatch + #HillarysAnswersMatter + MORE! Comments (0)

1390318507072684869Shot in the dark: George Zimmerman hates black people?

*widget boy cultureTell me again how George Zimmerman isn't a racist fuck. Images

*widget boy cultureIs Patrick Couderc the biggest cunt in fashion

*widget boy cultureNewly out Keegan Hirst, rugby star, gets nude!

*widget boy cultureHirst: “Time to be true to myself.”

*widget boy cultureRIP to Batman.

*widget boy cultureDavey Wavey's straight/gay kissing challenge

*widget boy cultureHe's only as funny as the jokes he shamelessly steals.

*widget boy cultureMesmerizing Carol trailer. Kiss me, Cate Blanchett!

*widget boy cultureObama looking to make travel to Cuba a snap.

*widget boy cultureSuge Knight cracking wise about AIDS.

*widget boy cultureThe Rock on Zac Efron's Baywatch turn

*widget boy cultureRussell Tovey to Broadway. Images

Enhanced-16559-1393505474-21Enjoy The View!

*widget boy cultureHick heroine in KY continues to resist issuing same-sex marriage licenses.

*widget boy cultureMilitary-rejected flamethrowers being sold to the public, because America. Screen Shot 2015-08-18 at 12.24.44 AM

*widget boy cultureHillary helped save her country's rep in the world.

*widget boy cultureHillary meets #BlackLivesMatter. Right answer? Images

*widget boy cultureScott Walker wants to end birthright citizenship.

*widget boy cultureBiden and Gore analysis.

*widget boy cultureIs Fiorina the least accomplished R candidate of all?

*widget boy cultureTyra Sanchez urges suicidal people to jump

*widget boy cultureKris Jenner tears into Caitlyn Jenner.

*widget boy cultureDolce apologizes for IVF comments.

*widget boy cultureIt's like a Best Chest Convention up in here! Images

Screen Shot 2015-08-18 at 12.08.57 AMBroad? Way!

May 12 2015
Need To Know: Twin Sync + The Devil Made Her Say It + Billy's Club + It's A Ty + MORE! Comments (0)


*widget boy cultureThe Carver Twins by Terry Richardson.

*widget boy cultureRacist blames the devil for her graduation-unfriendly words.

*widget boy cultureTom Brady barely punished for probably cheating.

*widget boy cultureEllen's hot gardener in his barely-there underwear.

*widget boy cultureNoah Galloway proposes to his girlfriend live on DWTS.

*widget boy cultureAnother George Zimmerman-related shooting.

*widget boy cultureZac Efron's butt double!

*widget boy cultureRed-hot Marlon Texeira in the wild.

*widget boy cultureSpandau Ballet has still got it.

*widget boy cultureOut artist Ty Herndon covers Miley Cyrus, after the jump ...

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Jan 14 2015
Black Lives DO Matter, But Je Suis Appalled Comments (0)

Prof. Brittney Cooper, writing for Salon.com, derides the Je Suis Charlie movement as a whites-only, disingenuous display, pointing out that because white people in America aren't on board with #blacklivesmatter, their embrace of #jesuischarlie just underscores our racism.

She goes on to imply that while white women may have a right to call out their black rapists, she isn't exactly on board with supporting them unless there is racial quid pro quo—again, because in her view, white America does not accept that #blacklivesmatter.

I found her essay revolting because it came off the same way so many comments from white racists do on the Internet, like there is a score being kept. I recall arguments that Trayvon Martin and other victms' stories were being blown out of proportion, with examples used of white people who had been brutalized by black people—completely ignoring that the cases at hand shared nothing in common (obvious criminal activity that was punished and that everyone agreed should be punished vs. legally fraught situations where public opinion seemed to hinge on race).

Not all of white America thinks #blacklivesdontmatter—I don't think that, and I know I'm not alone. But I can not imagine not being moved by the Charlie Hebdo massacre, by Bill Cosby's obviously true history of sexual abuse, by Trayvon Martin's senseless killing, by the #icantbreathe movement...I think these things should be looked at by what's wrong and what's right, not whether some white women historically helped imprison black men on phony rape charges, not whether slavery used to be legal in America.

It struck me as a deeply negative piece, one that luxuriates in divisiveness. It even denigrates Common for being too inclusive. It's wrong-headed thinking, even if race is still very much an issue.