4 posts categorized "W.E."

Sep 19 2017
Tennis, Everyone!: BATTLE OF THE SEXES Is The Feel-Gay Movie Of 2017 Comments (0)

Emma-stone-steve-carrell-battle-of-the-sexesI went to a screening of Battle of the Sexes — the story of Billie Jean King's herstoric tennis match vs. Bobby Riggs — thinking it would probably be tons of fun since King herself was supposed to be in attendance.

Alas, King wasn't able to make it (though the directors and some co-stars came), but the film was more than enough on its own, a crowd-pleasing, spirited retelling of the story of how a clownish, faded tennis star and one of the greatest female athletes of all time used a ridiculous event to further their own agendas ...

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Jan 21 2016
Ziegfeld Theatre In NYC Closing Comments (0)

6a00d8341c2ca253ef0148c878ffdd970cGranted, it didn't show good films exclusively.

They're taking this whole New York thing a bit too far lately, closing down every interesting venue and landmark in the city to make way for condos.

6a00d8341c2ca253ef01676101a08d970bGod, the W.E. premiere was pretty fun.

Now, the legendary Ziegfeld (which, to my surprise, has only been a movie theater since 1969) is closing down, and reopening in 2017 as a ballroom for corporate events. It will retain a movie screen, just in case.

6a00d8341c2ca253ef017c367ea543970b-800wiAttending the 40th anniversary screening of Cabaret was another unforgettable moment I spent at the Ziegfeld-with-a-Z!

At least it's not going to become something more obnoxious, like a bank.

Jan 30 2012
"Sorry I'm Late"—How I FINALLY Met Madonna Comments (35)

PhotoaYes, this is me with Madonna's chair

I met Madonna.

When I type that, it has the cutesy bluntness of "we bought a zoo." But even wilder than purchasing a zoo, I did finally get to meet a woman who has inspired me for three decades.

By "meet," I don't mean in the magazine coverline sense, I mean I met-met her—like, shook her hand, was introduced, sat knee-to-knee with her and conversed.

And frighteningly, it almost never happened.

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